Fastest way to copy backup file from server 1 to server 2

  • If its a DB backup of MSSQL server then you can try installing litespeed quest software which performs well in compressing the backup files - This is a permanent solution provided you perform file copy frequently

  • Yes, you are correct. And also SQL 2008 came with new feature called Compress the file.



  • Without installing the Exchange Server, and without having any access to my corporate Exchange Server, from where can i get these two files easily ? Since these are just two files, I am pretty much sure, I can get these two somewhere without having to access or install the Exchange server, but I haven't been able to find these two files anywhere on the web. Surely, someone must have uploaded it somewhere.

    If it is, please provide the link.


  • Your copy speed is way too slow even for a slow network connection. I just copied a 100 GB file over a WAN link using ROBOCOPY and it finished in about 31 hours.

    Start with the basics to eliminate possible causes:

    1. Have you verified that these servers are actually on the same LAN? In other words, that you are not copying the files over a WAN link or some other bottleneck?

    2. Did you check the NIC card on both servers to make sure they are not reporting errors and causing retries, and that they are set at the highest available speed? I have seen copy speed issues that result from having the NIC card set to automatic, instead of at set speed.

    3. Have you verified that there is no disk IO problem on either server that could be causing the copy to run slowly?

    4. Have you looked at the event logs on both servers to verify there are no errors being reported?

    5. Have you tried copying files to different servers to see if the copy speed is always the same?

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