Export Tables and Check them after export

  • How can I check table after an export with an dts package if the data everywhere the same how the orginal in the tables ?

    I want to have a security that no datas get lost.


    Thanks in advance !

  • The whole point here is that by questioning the integrity of dts you may as well not use it.

    Package logging will record any errors that occur. Success or failure of package is self explanatory.

    If you want to check source against target, then you will have to write sql to compare the two. Can be very lengthy running process for large volumes of data.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • I agree with Jonathan. I've never had issues with "lost" data. DTS will definitely inform you of any errors. It's worst than my 9th grade English teacher.

  • I agree that dts is reliable.  If you want to check the data a few times just to be sure you could use something like Red Gate's SQL Data Compare.


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