Export "Replaced" Text in DTS

  • Bit of a strange one is this... 

    I've created a DTS package that simply pulls out data from a stored procedure and writes it to a CSV file.  Works a treat!!

    However, one of the fields in the database that is being exported contains carriage returns - which i don't want.  Instead I want a line feed.

    So I change the stored procedure to return the column using:

    REPLACE( thecolumname, CHAR( 13 ), CHAR( 10 ) ) AS TheString.

    Seems ok in the SQL Query Analyzer, but looking in a hex editor, it shows as 0D 0A (13, 10 ) - which is carriage return, linefeed.

    Is this something SQL DTS does or what?  Answers on a post card.


  • The second agument of replace is the replacement text.


    I think you want

    REPLACE( REPLACE( thecolumname, CHAR( 13 ) , '' ) , CHAR( 10) , '' ) AS TheString


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    Jason L. Selburg
  • Ah cheers,

    Just needed to remove the carriage returns...

    REPLACE( Progress_Notes, CHAR( 13 ) , '' ) AS TheValue

  • Are you by any chance Paul Anderson of Pembroke, Birmingham and various locations along the Charing Cross Road?

    Tim Wilkinson

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