Execute an Oracle procedure from sql server

  • Hi,

    In a bit of a hurry for this one. Has anybody tried to execute an Oracle Stored procedure , with parameters , from a Linked server? Using MS OLEDB for Oracle. Sql 2k sp3.

    Thanks in advance


  • Andy,

    I've never tried what you are attempting, so I can't help you there... but having worked with both Oracle & SQL SPs, the only thing that comes to mind that might cause problems are the slight differences in code syntax between Oracle and SQL. 

    I would say if possible, try executing the Oracle SP directly on the SQL server somehow first (if you can) to see if that even works (if I understand what you are trying to do here)... other than that, hopefully someone else out there has some direct experience with your scenario.

    Best of luck.. we look forward to hearing how it turns out for you!



    "Work like you don't need the money;
    dance like no one is watching;
    sing like no one is listening;
    love like you've never been hurt;
    and live every day as if it were your last."
    ~ an old Irish proverb

  • Hi,

    You can exec an Oracle proc by using OPENQUERY. You can pass the proc parameters. But it does not seem if you can exec an Oracle cursor proc. So I wrote a .net app to do this.




  • Hi,

    I tried to do this before through DTS but could not do it for some apparent reason. In the end i had to write each statement of the SP in a seperate task. The SP was just disabling all foreign keys before I truncated the table. maybe in the new version of SQLServer it will allow you to exec sps in Oracle, but not in 2000.



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