Excel sheet import from SSIS

  • Hi,

    1)I am having a table from that i have to export the data to excel set tro SSIS what are the steps to be followed.

    2)excel sheet name should be saved as Name201008131500 (name+currentdate+time in min)

    3)On daily basis i need to save in my folder say it is D:\dailyreport\

    4)Is it is possible to protect the excelsheet with the password after saving or on saving to destination folder,

    password saved in a text file with same formate Pass201008131500 (Pass+currentdate+time in min)

    so that if needed i can send mail to my pm on demand


    Step 4 just i am asking whether it is possible or not :laugh:




  • Parthi,

    Use variables...here in this case:

    1.)yourVariable=Name+time...i.e. the format you wish to save the name of the file

    2.)you may use a FST(File System task to route and store your file in the dataflow tab)

    3.)regarding the password for your Excel file you are probably looking for a Script Task to alter the file properties duly created.

    Hope this helps!!

    Raunak J

  • Hi

    You can use Template excel file in this case.

    Have all the columns ready in this template excel file as per your requirement and put this file to some location.

    Use Script task to rename the Excel sheet Name.

    Then write all the data into this excel file using OLE DB Source & EXCEL Destination.

    Once you write a data to excel file you can move this file to any location using File System Task.

    About password I am not sure how to do that But I think that can be done also..

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