Examine a SSIS Package programmaticaly

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to examine a SSIS package programmatically in VB.NET. Below is a code snippet:

    Sub Main()

    ssisApp = New Application


    End Sub

    Private Sub ProcessPackage(ByVal package As String)

    Dim currentPackage As Package

    Dim pkgExecutable As Executable

    Dim pkgExecTaskHost As TaskHost

    currentPackage = ssisApp.LoadPackage(package, Nothing) 'package contains a valid full name of a package.

    currentPackageID = currentPackage.ID

    I'm not receiving an error, but it takes an incredible long time.

    Can anyone explain why the statement currentPackage = ssisApp.LoadPackage(package, Nothing) takes a very long time, say about 10 or 15 minutes? Am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks in advance


  • Is it a simple package or a fairly complex one? I'm wondering if it is verifying the package. I have been playing with programatically walking through a package as well and have fed it some fairly complex ones and have never experienced this issue..


  • Elliot,

    The package I'm using to test the code, is very simple. How can I examine if the code is verifying the package? And is it possible to disable it when loading a package in code?


  • I was just looking at my code and it is virtually identical to yours. It makes me wonder about the machine you are working on but even that doesn't seem to fully explain the issue.. When the debugging starts does it grind on the hard drive and continue for the whole time? You might add a breakpoint at these points:

    ssisApp = New Application

    currentPackage = ssisApp.LoadPackage(package, Nothing)

    currentPackageID = currentPackage.ID

    So that you can track exactly where it is getting hung up.

    And BTW what you are doing isn't as easy as it looks.. It is really informative but it isn't as easy as it looks to accomplish..


  • This is where it hang up:

    currentPackage = ssisApp.LoadPackage(package, Nothing)

  • How much memory do you have?

    I'm trying to think of things that could be causing trouble and that is the most obvious. My machine has 2GB.


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