Every day count of Inventory

  • Hi,

    we have an Inventory Transactional Fact Table, which provides count of inventory according to particular product.

    8th Feb100
    9th Feb200
    10th Feb300
    11th Feb400
    12th Feb600
    13th Feb100
    14th Feb150
    15th Feb700
    16th Feb100
    17th Feb200
    18th Feb400
    19th Feb500
    20th Feb250
    21st Feb350
    22nd Feb140

    Now we got requirement to see what's the how many items are added between  of every 7 days only instead of total count until that day. could some one give some suggestions on it. I believe this would be something like Periodic Snapshot Table .


    8th Feb    100            
    15th Feb   2450    
    22nd Feb   1940    

    Many Thanks in Advance.

  • Sangeeth878787 - Wednesday, February 8, 2017 4:01 AM


    we have an Inventory Transactional Fact Table, which provides count of inventory according to particular product.

    8th Feb100
    9th Feb200
    10th Feb300
    11th Feb400
    12th Feb600
    13th Feb100
    14th Feb150
    15th Feb700
    16th Feb100
    17th Feb200
    18th Feb400
    19th Feb500
    20th Feb250
    21st Feb350
    22nd Feb140

    Now we got requirement to see what's the how many items are added between  of every 7 days only instead of total count until that day. could some one give some suggestions on it. I believe this would be something like Periodic Snapshot Table .


    8th Feb    100            
    15th Feb   2450    
    22nd Feb   1940    

    Many Thanks in Advance.

    ;WITH SomeSampleData AS (



    FROM (VALUES (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) d (n)




    Grouper = DATEDIFF(DAY,2,MyDate)/7*7

    FROM SomeSampleData

    -- Second parameter of DATEDIFF configures the first day of the week:

    -- 0 for monday, 1 for tuesday, 2 for wednesday etc

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • The end of Chris's solution appears to have got gobbled up by the hungry forum software.  It looks as if he was going to use GROUP BY.  Here's an alternative, using window functions.  It relies on there being exactly one row per date.  If that's not what you have, you'll need to join to a table of numbers or dates.

        ,    Items
        FROM (VALUES
            (CAST('8 Feb 2017' AS date),100),
            (CAST('9 Feb 2017' AS date),200),
            (CAST('10 Feb 2017' AS date),300),
            (CAST('11 Feb 2017' AS date),400),
            (CAST('12 Feb 2017' AS date),600),
            (CAST('13 Feb 2017' AS date),100),
            (CAST('14 Feb 2017' AS date),150),
            (CAST('15 Feb 2017' AS date),700),
            (CAST('16 Feb 2017' AS date),100),
            (CAST('17 Feb 2017' AS date),200),
            (CAST('18 Feb 2017' AS date),400),
            (CAST('19 Feb 2017' AS date),500),
            (CAST('20 Feb 2017' AS date),250),
            (CAST('21 Feb 2017' AS date),350),
            (CAST('22 Feb 2017' AS date),140)
            ) v (InvDate, Items)
    ,    Items
    ORDER BY InvDate


  • John Mitchell-245523 - Wednesday, February 8, 2017 4:45 AM

    The end of Chris's solution appears to have got gobbled up by the hungry forum software.  It looks as if he was going to use GROUP BY.  Here's an alternative, using window functions.  It relies on there being exactly one row per date.  If that's not what you have, you'll need to join to a table of numbers or dates.

        ,    Items
        FROM (VALUES
            (CAST('8 Feb 2017' AS date),100),
            (CAST('9 Feb 2017' AS date),200),
            (CAST('10 Feb 2017' AS date),300),
            (CAST('11 Feb 2017' AS date),400),
            (CAST('12 Feb 2017' AS date),600),
            (CAST('13 Feb 2017' AS date),100),
            (CAST('14 Feb 2017' AS date),150),
            (CAST('15 Feb 2017' AS date),700),
            (CAST('16 Feb 2017' AS date),100),
            (CAST('17 Feb 2017' AS date),200),
            (CAST('18 Feb 2017' AS date),400),
            (CAST('19 Feb 2017' AS date),500),
            (CAST('20 Feb 2017' AS date),250),
            (CAST('21 Feb 2017' AS date),350),
            (CAST('22 Feb 2017' AS date),140)
            ) v (InvDate, Items)
    ,    Items
    ORDER BY InvDate


    Aha - your solution is quite different to mine, John. You're looking at the last seven days up to the current date, I'm converting a date into a week and grouping by week. I'm not sure which solution the OP wants.
    The GROUP BY wasn't chopped off the end of my post - it was omitted. I figured out that the OP would probably get this part, given how to convert a series of dates into weeks, with a configurable start day - which for most would be the tricky part.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hi, I am glad for replies, this is an example of requirement but I need to achieve the same thing for every 15 minutes, what is the updated count between last 15 min and now, this will continue for every 15 min and I need to send this data to others in CSV format.

  • Without any table DDL and sample data from you, we're just guessing.  But, assuming you have exactly one row for each 15 minute period, all you need to do is change the 6 in my query to a 671 (7 days x 24 hours x 4 quarters - 1).

    If you want to send in csv fomrat, you can write an SSIS package to do the export, or (which is probably a lot simpler) use bcp.


  • I am sorry I would have inform early, For simplicity I have written the dates as 8th Feb, 9th Feb, but In my Fact Table and Date table we have proper Date Column, all I am trying to approach snap shot fact table mechanism.

  • I'm not sure what you mean by that, but if you need any more help, please provide table DDL (CREATE TABLE statement), sample data (INSERT statement(s)) and expected results based on that sample data.


  • Hi,

    I am glad for your replies, to be prescise I am looking to achieve the following example

    The sample script would be like and we do have primary keys and foreign keys on Fact Table.

    select 'US' As CountryIndicator, sum(MoneyReceived) MoneyReceived, getdate() DateTime
    from FctTranscations F
    Inner join DimDate D on D.DateKey = F.DateKey
    Inner Join DimLocaton l on l.locationkey = f.locationkey
    inner join DimTime T on T.TimeKey = F.TimeKey
    Inner join DimMethod M on M.MethodKey = F.MethodKey
    where l.Locaton = 'US' 
    and M.Method = 'Direct'

    Union All

    select 'US' As CountryIndicator, sum(MoneyReceived) MoneyReceived, getdate() DateTime
    from FctTranscations2 F
    Inner join DimDate D on D.DateKey = F.DateKey
    Inner Join DimLocaton l on l.locationkey = f.locationkey
    inner join DimTime T on T.TimeKey = F.TimeKey
    Inner join DimMethod M on M.MethodKey = F.MethodKey
    where l.Locaton = 'UK' 
    and M.Method = 'InDirect'

    Union All

    select 'Canada' As CountryIndicator, sum(MoneyReceived) MoneyReceived, getdate() DateTime
    from FctTranscations3  F
    Inner join DimDate D on D.DateKey = F.DateKey
    Inner Join DimLocaton l on l.locationkey = f.locationkey
    inner join DimTime T on T.TimeKey = F.TimeKey
    Inner join DimMethod M on M.MethodKey = F.MethodKey
    where l.Locaton = 'Canada' 
    and M.Method like '%Online'

    ---- Note: In the above query, I can't combine each select query as one due to requirement to apply different multiple factors but at the end I have to Union All as they have same number of columns and headings.

    Output of above script:

    CountryIndicator MoneyReceived DateTime 
    US 15000 15:00
    UK 10000 15:00
    Canada 8000 15:00

    The query when I run at 15:15

    CountryIndicator MoneyReceived DateTime 
    US 25000 15:15
    UK 20000 15:15
    Canada 9500 15:15

    The query when I run at 15:30

    CountryIndicator MoneyReceived DateTime 
    US 30000 15:30
    UK 26000 15:30
    Canada 10000 15:30

    The Required output 

    CountryIndicator MoneyReceived DateTime
    US 15000 15:00 Initial Money
    UK 10000 15:00 Initial money
    Canada 8000 15:00 
    Initial money
    US 10000 15:15 First Run Time stamp , Difference between Initial Money and next run.
    UK 10000 15:15
    Canada 1500 15:15
    US 5000 15:30
    UK 6000 15:30
    Canada 500 15:30

  • Just noticed you duplicated this topic here: https://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/1857105/RE-Count-Difference-for-Every-15-Min#bm1857132 I've answered your questions there, I believe. Please direct your answer to this topic though, don't create two topics for one question.

    My answer from other post:
    Still no DDL, so I've had to guess your field names, and untested as no DLM, but maybe:
    SELECT l.Locaton AS CountryIndicator,
      MoneyReceived AS MoneyReceived,
      CAST(D.DateValue AS datetime) + CAST(T.TimeValue AS datetime) AS TransactionDateTime
    FROM FctTranscations F
    INNER JOIN DimDate D on D.DateKey = F.DateKey
    INNER JOIN DimLocaton l on l.locationkey = f.locationkey
    INNER JOIN DimTime T on T.TimeKey = F.TimeKey
    INNER JOIN DimMethod M on M.MethodKey = F.MethodKey
    WHERE (l.Locaton = 'US' AND M.Method = 'Direct')
     OR (l.Locaton = 'UK' AND M.Method = 'InDirect')
     OR (l.Locaton = 'Canada' AND M.Method LIKE '%Online'))
    SELECT CountryIndicator,
     SUM(MoneyReceived) AS MoneyReceived,
     DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '2000', TransactionDateTime) - (DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '2000', TransactionDateTime) % 15),0) AS TransactionDateTime
    GROUP BY CountryIndicator,
     DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '2000', TransactionDateTime) - (DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '2000', TransactionDateTime) % 15),0);


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Still no CREATE TABLE or INSERT statements, either in this topic or the new one you started to ask what appears to be exactly the same question.  But this should work.  You'll notice that it is indeed possible to combine the three queries.

    ,    MoneyReceived
    ,    [DateTime]
    ,    MoneyReceived - LAG(MoneyReceived,1,0) OVER (
            PARTITION BY CountryIndicator
            ORDER BY [DateTime]
            ) AS MoneyDifference
    FROM (
        select 'Canada' As CountryIndicator, sum(MoneyReceived) MoneyReceived, getdate() DateTime
        from FctTranscations3 F
        Inner join DimDate D on D.DateKey = F.DateKey
        Inner Join DimLocaton l on l.locationkey = f.locationkey
        inner join DimTime T on T.TimeKey = F.TimeKey
        Inner join DimMethod M on M.MethodKey = F.MethodKey
        where (l.Locaton = 'Canada' and M.Method like '%Online')
        OR (l.Locaton = 'UK' and M.Method = 'InDirect')
        OR (l.Locaton = 'US' and M.Method = 'Direct')
        ) Transactions


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