ETL and data model design advice needed

  • jonathan.crawford - Wednesday, January 24, 2018 1:02 PM

    diana.bodell 56517 - Wednesday, January 24, 2018 8:05 AM

    Eric, was this post in response to mine? Not sure if you meant it for something else since performance stats was not an issue for me. BTW, we find SQL Sentry One to be a fabulous resource for our DBA.

    It's hard to tell what Eric means sometimes, because.....wait for it.....null is undefined....


    I didn't see an option to delete my accidental post, and site wouldn't let me submit empty post, so I had to "null" it out. :hehe:

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Hi Diana - I would be interested in seing the code you have created for these as I am tasked with setting something similar up at work for ACO Medical Group Reporting.

    Thank You in advance...Don

  • Don, I understand your need but unfortunately I cannot share my code. The table structures are proprietary to our EMR and the process is too complex to share in any efficient way. I would be happy to talk to you about it or email back and forth if you want to discuss what you are trying to do.

  • diana.bodell 56517 - Wednesday, January 24, 2018 6:40 AM

    Just to give an update, I successfully created a flexible stored procedure which creates the denominator data set for each of the 4 measures I have to do first for the ICU dashboard. Based on the measure being processed, it creates a specific data set with both the patients and visits needed but also some measure specific additional data, such as if the patient returned to the ICU during the same hospital stay (which is needed for one of the measures but not all of them). A set of staging tables is created with names based on which measure is being processed (entered by parameter). There are data driven elements in the process, such as department lists, discharge dispositions, date options (previous year, previous month, previous day) that work off of an anchor date, and a date type (admission vs discharge). These are all elements that I could tie to a specific measure in my measure dimension. I used some minor dynamic SQL to truncate and insert into the tables because the naming of the table is based on parameters from the data. Not too risky. 
    Seems to be working well. Now I will be doing separate processes to take the population and determine the numerators for counts and rates, etc. Thanks to all above for advise and guidance.

    Glad you could get it solved.   Was just going throw my two cents in, so here goes...   I was thinking that any given patient might belong to any of a number of "populations", so to speak.   Call them groups, call them bananas...  (pick your own label)...   Then I might consider creating a table that maps a given patient to each "population" they belong to.   As new "populations" and grouping mechanisms come and go, you can activate or deactivate a given row in said table with a bit column.   You could even have date valid from and date valid to columns for this table.   It can then map directly to any dimensions you might have, or possibly be an element in various fact tables.   Either way, it doesn't force you into a one-size fits all solution, but it does give you a reasonably flexible way to assign patients to "populations"...

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