Estimated remaining time for a SPID

  • Hi,

    Does anyone know how to determine the estimated time for completion of a query run.

    I have manually run a stored procedure and expect it to take a long time.

    However, it would be really handy to know how much (estimated) time the procedure will take to finish.

    I am not looking for estimated plan of execution, estimated time for completion after the command has run.



  • suhas.wadadekar (10/7/2009)


    Does anyone know how to determine the estimated time for completion of a query run.

    I have manually run a stored procedure and expect it to take a long time.

    However, it would be really handy to know how much (estimated) time the procedure will take to finish.

    I am not looking for estimated plan of execution, estimated time for completion after the command has run.



    So.., let me get this straight, you are running a query, it is part way through and you want to know how long it will take to complete. hard to say without knowing what it is doing, if it is manipulating data and depending how that is being handled, you could in theory run other queries to see how far the changes have been made. otherwise you could have changed the query to log every so often either to screen or other table.

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  • You guessed it right.

    I am already running a query and want to find the amount of time it will take to finish.

    Thanks for the suggestions about logging at each step.

    The situation here is I am running a procedure developed by someone earlier and I am using it for a particular data fetch now (I know the result set is going to be huge)

    So I am just trying to get an idea about time remaining, and not looking to improve query performance or modify the procedure.

    This is plain curiosity - I know there is something similar in Oracle.

    Thanks again,


  • A few functions, mainly system stuff like backups, will show up with estimated completion times in the sys.dm_exec_requests DMV. You can try it, but no guarantee it will work for you.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • To Grant's good point... estimated times for anything with a loop, some forms of recursion, and some functions will be surprising low while the actual time will be surprisingly high. This is because the estimates for those things are based on just one interation of each loop, recursion, or function.

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