ErrorCode + ErrorColumn Information

  • Hello guys,

    i've read this forum and also other SQL Server 2005 Integration Services forums and the problem with getting the column name of the rows that goes in error for a component (Derived Column, Lookup, OLDB Destination etc ) it's very difficult and almost impossibile .

    My problem is the same as for other users : i have a SSIS witch take data from an ORACLE db and inserting them into a SQL db, with transformation , lookups, etc and i would like that all rows that going into errors UnionAll them and inserting them into an Error Table. The problem with error description i've resolved it into a Script Component with the ComponentMetaData.GetErrorDescription but remain the problem with the Column Name who generate the error. I'm on the edge to give up for the the column who generate the error, but can you help me, instead of getting the name of the column, the name of the component who generate the error ? That will help me very much, because if i have 10 Lookup component ,i know which one generate the error. Can I do that inside the Script ? VisualBasic programmer please help me because at programming i s**k 🙁

    Thank you very much !

  • Hi ,

    I am giving the code of a function that will retrieve the column name giving the error. The idea behind achieving this is to track down the lineage id of the column code backto the input column, what i did was to first change the .dtsx file to .xml and then parse the file. By using the tags and lineage id of the columns i retrieved the name of the error causing colum.

    Here is the code :

    'Retrieve column name which contains bad data

    'Summary : Steps to get bad data column name

    ' It gets lineage id for with id matching with Row.ErrorColun from package code file(.dtsx[XML]) converted into .xml file,

    ' Search and get value for property with value = lineageid + 1 and name as 'SourceInputColumnLineageID',

    ' Search and get vaue of name attribute of with id=above property value, In case if bad data is in derived column;

    ' it matches id=lineageid

    Public Function RetrieveErrorColumnName(ByVal errorcolumn As String, ByVal codefilepath As String) As String


    Dim resultingColumnName As String = String.Empty

    Dim outputColumnId As String = String.Empty

    Dim lineageId As String = String.Empty

    Dim propertyId As String = String.Empty

    Dim columnName As String = String.Empty

    Dim nodeName As String = String.Empty

    Dim subNodes As XPath.XPathNodeIterator

    Dim idAttribute As String = String.Empty

    Dim isExitWhile As Boolean = False

    Dim xPathDocument As XPath.XPathDocument = New XPath.XPathDocument(codefilepath)

    Dim navigator As XPath.XPathNavigator = xPathdocument.CreateNavigator()

    Dim nodes As XPath.XPathNodeIterator = navigator.SelectDescendants(XPath.XPathNodeType.Element, True)

    'Get input column lineageid where columnid =errorcolumn

    While nodes.MoveNext()

    If (nodes.Current.Name = ELEMENT_INPUT) Then 'input

    nodeName = nodes.Current.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, String.Empty)

    If (nodeName = ATTRIBUTE_INPUT_NAME) Then ' attribute name

    subNodes = nodes.Current.SelectDescendants(XPath.XPathNodeType.Element, True)

    While subNodes.MoveNext()

    If (subNodes.Current.Name = ELEMENT_INPUTCOLUMN) Then

    idAttribute = subNodes.Current.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ID, String.Empty)

    If (idAttribute = errorcolumn) Then

    lineageId = subNodes.Current.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_LINEAGEID, String.Empty)

    isExitWhile = True

    Exit While

    End If

    End If

    End While

    End If

    End If

    If (isExitWhile) Then

    Exit While

    End If

    End While

    'Get property value with id=above lineageid + 1

    nodes = navigator.SelectDescendants(XPath.XPathNodeType.Element, True)

    While nodes.MoveNext()

    If (nodes.Current.Name = ELEMENT_PROPERTY) Then

    nodeName = nodes.Current.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, String.Empty)

    propertyId = nodes.Current.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ID, String.Empty)

    If nodeName = ATTRIBUTE_SRCLINEAGEID And propertyId = CStr(CInt(lineageId) + 1) Then

    outputColumnId = nodes.Current.Value

    Exit While

    End If

    End If

    End While

    'Get output column name with id= above property value

    isExitWhile = False

    nodes = navigator.SelectDescendants(XPath.XPathNodeType.Element, True)

    While nodes.MoveNext()

    If (nodes.Current.Name = ELEMENT_OUTPUT) Then '

    nodeName = nodes.Current.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, String.Empty)

    If (nodeName = ELEMENT_OUTPUT_DATAREADER) Then ' attribute name is DataReader Output

    subNodes = nodes.Current.SelectDescendants(XPath.XPathNodeType.Element, True)

    While subNodes.MoveNext()

    If (subNodes.Current.Name = ELEMENT_OUTPUTCOLUMN) Then

    idAttribute = subNodes.Current.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ID, String.Empty)

    If (outputColumnId <> String.Empty) Then

    If (idAttribute = outputColumnId) Then

    columnName = subNodes.Current.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, String.Empty)

    resultingColumnName = columnName

    isExitWhile = True

    Exit While

    End If

    ElseIf (idAttribute = lineageId) Then

    columnName = subNodes.Current.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, String.Empty)

    resultingColumnName = columnName

    isExitWhile = True

    Exit While

    End If

    End If

    End While

    ElseIf (nodeName = ELEMENT_OUTPUT_DATADERIVED) Then ' attribute name is Derived Column Output

    subNodes = nodes.Current.SelectDescendants(XPath.XPathNodeType.Element, True)

    While subNodes.MoveNext()

    If (subNodes.Current.Name = ELEMENT_OUTPUTCOLUMN) Then

    idAttribute = subNodes.Current.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ID, String.Empty)

    If (idAttribute = lineageId) Then

    columnName = subNodes.Current.GetAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, String.Empty)

    resultingColumnName = Me.Variables.DerivedColErrMsg & columnName

    isExitWhile = True

    Exit While

    End If

    End If

    End While

    End If

    If (isExitWhile) Then

    Exit While

    End If

    End If

    End While

    Return resultingColumnName

    Catch ex As Exception

    metaData.FireError(Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext, CBool(1))

    End Try

    End Function

  • How do you implement this within SSIS

  • There has got to be a simpler way to get the column name from the lineageID?

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