Error when restoring the Transaction Log on the DR server using SQL LiteSpeed Log Shipping

  • Hi All,

    We have a Transaction Log Shipping configured in our Production1 sql 2000 enterprise database server going to Production2 server and the DB is in Read-Only, and Production2 server has a DR server. The db in Production2 is replicated on the DR using the EMC Replication.

    The database has an Undo.dat file, as it is Read-Only and to allow the application of Transaction Logs.


    When activating the DR server, parameter inside the Undo.dat file is still referring to the Production2 server, and because of that, the restoration of Transaction Log is failing, due to the Production2 is down in this scenario.

    ---- script - trying to run manually using this command

    -- This is using the LiteSpeed Transaction Log Shipping

    Command in the Query Analyzer:

    EXEC master..xp_restore_log @database = 'GRP', @filename = '\\SGAA02183\Backup$\PROD1\GRP\GRP_tran_dump_20090929_040002_LS.dat'


    EXEC master..xp_restore_log @database = 'GRP', @filename = 'M:\FullDB_Backup\PROD1\GRP\GRP_tran_dump_20090929_040002_LS.dat'


    Server: Msg 62309, Level 19, State 1, Line 0

    SQL Server has returned a failure message to LiteSpeed which has prevented the operation from succeeding.

    The following message is not a LiteSpeed message. Please refer to SQL Server books online or Microsoft technical support for a solution:

    RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.

    Database 'GRP' (database ID 8). The RESTORE statement could not access file '\\SGAA02177\Backup$\PROD1\GRP\GRP_undo.dat'. Error was '53(The network path was not found.)'.

    Where the Production2 is the SGAA02177 and the DR is SGAA02183.

    Kindly help us in this issue, as we cannot activate the DR.

    Thank you in advance.


  • Both the products that are causing the issue are third party products. I think you should get in touch with them to help you out of this issue.


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