Error SSIS 2008

  • Designed a basic package into SQl is error

    Error: 0xC0202071 at Data Flow Task, SQL Server Destination [22]: Unable to prepare the SSIS bulk insert for data insertion.

    Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task, SSIS.Pipeline: component "SQL Server Destination" (22) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202071.

    Can anyone guide me plz...Thank u

  • Is the package running on the same server as the SQL Server Destination?

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  • yes ...source and destination are on the same server...But i read in some forum, to replace sql dest with OLEDB dest...where it work out completly fine. But i want to know whats making these errors with sql dest..Thank you

  • quillis131 (2/15/2011)

    yes ...source and destination are on the same server...But i read in some forum, to replace sql dest with OLEDB dest...where it work out completly fine. But i want to know whats making these errors with sql dest..Thank you

    Maybe it has something to do with User Account Control?

    Check out this link:

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