Error msg: Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement.

  • Hi, i keep getting the error msg;

    msg 601:Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement when backing up my production database. My backup file destination is on a separate server(standby server remotely connected) were recovery is to take place on the backup file to keep the standby database in sync with my production database (this is a form of Log shipping).

    Pls can anyone help me with error?

    it is a backup job that runs the backup procedure

    create procedure sp_bakdb

    @dbname sysname ---name of the db to be backed up

    @backuplocationpath nvarchar(256) ---unc path to location of the backed up database/log files; (linked server location)

    @baktyp varchar (20) ---backup type (full or log)


    declare @backupfilename = @backuplocationpath + '\' + <someformat>

    set @dbname = lower@dbname

    set @backuplocationpath = lower@backuplocationpath

    ---backup the database/log to the specified location

    print 'Backing up ' + @dbname + ' to disk: ' + @backupfilename

    if @baktyp = 'FULL'

    backup database @dbname to disk=@backupfilename



    backup log @dbname to disk=@backupfilename


  • You either have corruption in the database - or SAN issues causing problems.

    First, run the following (when you can - not during business hours): DBCC CHECKDB ({your database}) WITH no_infomsgs, all_errormsgs;

    If that reports errors, you will need to get those fixed as soon as possible.

    If that does not report any errors, then you need to work with your storage team to see if there are errors on the SAN causing SQL Server to think the data has been moved.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Are you still on version 8.00.197 of SQL Server 2000 or have you applied SP 4 yet?

    This is a continuation of this thread:

  • Thanks for responding. I have ran chechdb and it report no issue. As for the san issue, will talk with the network team to look into that and will get back to you.

    Pls if anyone else a respond pls post it up. And could anyone tell me how this could be related to vss?

  • As you were told in the other thread, this issue may have been fixed in SP 2 or later for SQL Server 2000. In that thread you indicated that you were still using the RTM (or very close to it) version of SQL Server 2000. Have you applied the latest service pack?

  • About the sp4, I don't that yet but have sent for it and also my superior said that this error has occurred before and he can't remember being asked to provide sp4 to resolve the issue...but yeah

  • Greetings!

    I've landed in this post because I have a similar problem.

    I work in an organization with several development servers. I have made linked servers to all of them from my notebook to keep some control of the changes made in every database on the servers and developed a process that goes through every server and database to track this information weekly.

    Today everything went fine as always, except for one server: the error message was "Attempt to fetch logical page (1:110800) in database 14 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 14073963587174400 not to 281474978938880."

    I connected to the instance (2008 R2) from the client in my notebook and effectively I couldn't see any element in that database, not even its properties. I executed DBCC CHECKDB but everything went OK. I tried to look at the error LOG but now the error is: "Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement" (shown in the window). This same error is shown when I try to query any other database from that instance through the linked server in my notebook. I have other instances in that server and they work fine.

    Really, I've read all over and can't find an answer, these databases don't seem to be corrupt! thank you for your patience, I'll appreciate some answer.

  • Are you still on SQL Server 2000??? This was a know issue in SQL Server 2000 - What causes this issue is if a row gets deleted by spid 1 while spid 2 is doing a scan with (either at READ UNCOMMITTED or WITH (NOLOCK)), then spid 2 face issue when it tries to read it. The row has to be deleted after spid 2 reads the index, but before it attempts to read the data row.

    Microsoft released a fix for this issue:


    Sanjiv Vinaik

  • Thank you for your answer Sanjiv!

    Anyway, it was a SQL Server 2008 R2, but I "fixed" the problem (notice the quotes) by restarting the instance. I've got no idea what might have caused this, but since I resstarted the instance it went fine again.

  • Old thread, I know, but...

    I ran into this same issue recently, with a SQL Server 2008R2 instance. We recently had network "issues" and had an agent job that was failing, reporting the data movement error. I did some digging, and what it looked like, for us, was that when we had network availability issues, our storage encountered a very brief iSCSI disconnect. SQL Server was not reporting any corruption. I use CHECKSUM in my backups, and I run CHECKDB every weekend. I looked through the SQL logs, and found the data page in question (looked there, thanks to a few threads here, and on SQLSkills). Ran DBCC PAGE on the suspect page, the page before, and the page after. The header for the page before and after came back quickly, while the report for the page in question timed out at exactly 5 minutes. (Server config) So, looking at all the above, it seemed to me that it was likely an allocation table issue. While SQL was working on an index, the packet was dropped. Within one second, the iSCSI controller picked back up, making SQL Server think all was well, when in fact, it was NOT! My resolution was to cycle the services. Thought behind that was that the lost packet would be found by SQL when the services came back up, since all the packets were there, and SQL could map to them correctly. Voila! The reboot worked. This is not to say that it will work for everyone, but, it is certainly worth interrogating the logs and storage protocols, etc, to try and understand why the error occurred in the first place. It is also another thing entirely to have corruption in a database that SQL doesn't know it has, that can be fixed without losing data.

    Karl Lambert
    SQL Server Database Administration
    Business Intelligence Development

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