Error in the Log

  • I am finding this error in my sql and system log, how serious is this error and what is the resolution.

    An exception occurred while enqueueing a message in the target queue. Error: 15517, State: 1. Cannot execute as the database principal because the principal "dbo" does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission.

    is this because... If this database was restored from another server, the login that is the

    database owner (and therefore the login that becomes dbo) does not exist on the new server.

    how do i find that database, may be changing the owner will help.

  • You can change the database owner to SA and see if that helps.

  • but how do i find what database or object is causing this problem.

    quick question :

    if i dont see any log for few hrs on sql server does it mean that server was rebooted during that time ? how would i find if a server was rebooted ?

  • quick question :

    if i don see any log for few hrs on sq server does it mean that server was rebooted during that time ? how would i find if a server was rebooted ?

    Not necessarily reboot, may be no activity at that time or Interval, Also depends on what traces you have set on that server. You should be able to see when server was rebooted both in SQL Server Logs and Windows Event logs.


  • how critical is this error with respect to sql server running smoothly ?

  • Tara-1044200 (2/22/2010)

    how critical is this error with respect to sql server running smoothly ?

    Any users complaining about authentication failure? No matter what the criticality of the error you should fix it. Fix is change the DB owner to SA or to Any domain account. I would prefer same domain account as SQL services account is running on.

    To answer your question it is critical.


  • I see few database where the db owner is "NULL ", i am not sure how this happened may this is casuing the error.

    any help to know the reason why it is NULL


  • Did you copy these databases from other servers? Do you see Null word as DB owner or just blank?

  • Its not blank but i see " NULL" as db owner and i did not copy this form any other servers and these database are 2 yrs old and there was no change made to these db's any clue why it got changed to "NULL" owner

  • This may be due to the database owner was windows domain account and login deleted later, or if you restores database from another server which doesn't have the login account at the destination server.


  • from the sql log if it says " database "EMP " is starting up does it mean the server or computer was restarted ?

    Also i dont see any sql logs for couple of days last week but i do have logs from previous month too, how can these 2 days miss ?

  • Databases start up when SQL Server restarts, but an individual database that is set to Auto Close will start up if it is not open when someone tries to access it (and close when it is quiet again). And if it is rarely accessed you might have long periods of inactivity.

    It could have originated in MSDE or Express, where Auto Close might be used to save resources on a small system running a standalone instance. I should think most such systems have enough resources not to need this any more, and I expect we all turn off Auto Close for databases on dedicated database servers.

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