Error in the Application LOG

  • Hello,

    After migrating from test to production the OperationsManager Database it seems the data Warehouse is still using the RunAs Account from test somewhere ...

    Login failed for user 'AD\svcTMOMDWA'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: xxx]

    Where should I change it?



  • Usually you see this sort of error when the user in question is a member of too many Windows groups. Based on the name, this looks like a service account, and that would be unusual, but that would be the first place I would look.

    Since you're getting a token-based error, that means the account is making a successful Kerberos connection to the server (not necessarily SQL Server, but the Windows server itself). Therefore, you should be able to see its logon events in the Windows Security log. That should tell you where it's connecting from. However, I would still check the group membership first.

    K. Brian Kelley

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