Error in SSIS connecting to MySQL

  • I have
    1.Server_A hosting
        MySQL   (5.5.29-0ubuntu0.12.04.2-log)
    2.Server_B (windows2012
       MySQL   (5.6.38-log)
       SQL Server 2012

    On my workstation using Visual studio 2015 I created SSIS with  target server version SQL2012
    SSIS  has 
     Step 1 connect to SQL 2012 on  Server_B ,get some values
     Step 2 transfer data from   MySQL on    Server_A    to SQL 2012 on  Server_B 

    Connection to SQL server build with expression 

    Connection to MySQL  build in expression 
    "server="+ @[User::Host_MySql] +";user id="+ @[User::UserId_MySql] +";database="+ @[User::DB_MySql] +";port="+ @[User::Port_MySql] +";password="+ @[User::Password_MySql]+";"
    Variable store default values
    Package saved with option "do not save sensitive"
    Package run successfully from Visual studio on my workstation

    When I copy package to to  Server_B and execute like 
    dtexec /FILE "\"D:\SSIS\Package_01.dtsx\"" /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING EWCDI > D:\SSIS\log\log_20180509.txt

    I get errors
      Source: Data Flow Task mysql_001 [31]
     Description: ADO NET Source has failed to acquire the connection {some value...} with the following error message: "Could not create a managed connection manager.".

     My workstation and and  Server_B both have  mySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI and Unicode Driver installed
     I can successfully can create and test odbc connection to Server_A from Server_B

    I could not find reason for error "Could not create a managed connection manager"

    Thank you

  • Need more details.  What does your connection manager look like for the connection to Server A ?   With an ODBC connection, you usually need an ADO.Net source or an ODBC Source.
    Not sure what else to ask until there's a clearer picture as to how the package is put together.

  • When "Edit it" inside package
    I see that is listed as .\Net providers\MySQL Data provider

    In properties of connection
    Connection manager type = ADO.NET:MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection, MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=somevalue...

    ConnectionString= "server="+ @[User::Host_MySql] +";user id="+ @[User::UserId_MySql] +";database="+ @[User::DB_MySql] +";port="+ @[User::Port_MySql] +";password="+ @[User::Password_MySql]+";"

  • ebooklub - Wednesday, May 9, 2018 10:30 AM

    When "Edit it" inside package
    I see that is listed as .\Net providers\MySQL Data provider

    In properties of connection
    Connection manager type = ADO.NET:MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection, MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=somevalue...

    ConnectionString= "server="+ @[User::Host_MySql] +";user id="+ @[User::UserId_MySql] +";database="+ @[User::DB_MySql] +";port="+ @[User::Port_MySql] +";password="+ @[User::Password_MySql]+";"

    Can you successfully test that connection from within the connection manager?   If you can, try to create a separate package just to test getting data from Server B into a test table on Server A.

  • Thanks for help I will put a issue on hold for for some time 
    I tried to create  new ssis that use mysql as data source and pass connection string as expression from,previous SSIS  , but my expression  at RUN time somehow concatenate server name and user and trowing connection error
    I will do more investigation , but I have supposition that even I specified target server as SQL 2017 in my project created in Visual studio 2015. my SSIS is not properly converted

  • Package saved with option "do not save sensitive"

    I wonder if you changed this to maybe require a password to open / run the package , if this would make a difference. It may be not saving the password switch in the connection string. 


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