Error in Script Created a bad object - How do I delete the object?

  • Thanx for the feedback... I knew we couldn't be all crazy around here.  There's at least one of us who figured it out .

  • For future refferences... wasn't there an object name refferenced in the error message... I'm sure it would have pointed directly to the trigger erroring out and it would have been easier to figure out the problem once you knew where to look.


    Pass that along to your gurus as well .

  • Thats just didnt reference the trigger at the error message or in the log.  It definately makes sense now that I know what caused it.  You can see the actual error on the previous page in my image that posted.  One thing that did baffle me was that some errors I got from script i ran manually (rather than boxed scripts)  refered to a problem on "line 20" of the script in my results window....when in fact the script I was running was only 4 lines it all makes sense since the script that it was refering to was the script with the typo in it!  The trigger :p   It never refered to the trigger at all other than the line it was a mystery until Chris's post.  Good to know!

    New to the DBA world...thank you for your help!,


  • We can't see any image you post unless you put it up on a webserver... I certainly can't see any.

  • Really?  So when I post a message and I use the insert picture button and it posts the picture I am the only one who can see it in the messages?  So its linking a picture from my local machine....well what use is that? lol   Be nice if they mentioned that when using that function. :p  Thought it was uploading the picture....ok well of course I deleted the pics already but here is one of them which I still had not that it matters now....linked to web site.  Thanks again though.


    i had two screenshots posted...


    New to the DBA world...thank you for your help!,


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