Error in my stored procedure

  • Hi,

    I am getting the following error when attempting to apply my SP in QA:

    Server: Msg 8163, Level 16, State 4, Procedure spd_ListFoldRemarks, Line 16

    The text, ntext, or image data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT.

    I've created the following to return data from 4 tables in my DB - can anyone give me some pointers as i am pretty new to SP's?

    IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE name = 'spd_ListFoldRemarks' )


     DROP FUNCTION dba.spd_ListFoldRemarks



     CREATE FUNCTION dba.spd_ListFoldRemarks (

     @ArrivalPoint VARCHAR ( 4 ),

     @DocType VARCHAR(30),

     @VendID INTEGER )

     RETURNS VARCHAR ( 8000 )



      DECLARE @l_strRetVal VARCHAR ( 8000 )

      DECLARE @l_strFoldRemark VARCHAR ( 100 )

      DECLARE @l_bFirstRow SMALLINT

      DECLARE FoldRemarksCursor CURSOR FOR

     --Arrival Point stuff






      DBA.Remarks_TB R

      JOIN DBA.RemarkTypes_TB RT

       ON RT.nRtRemarkTypeID_FD = R.nRtRemarkTypeID_FD

      JOIN DBA.ArrivalPointAutoRemarks_TB AS APAR

       ON R.nRRemarkID_FD = APAR.nRRemarkID_FD

     WHERE APAR.strApArrivalPointCode_FD = @ArrivalPoint

      AND APAR.strDtDocType_FD = @DocType


     --Destination stuff






      DBA.Remarks_TB R

      JOIN DBA.RemarkTypes_TB RT

       ON RT.nRtRemarkTypeID_FD = R.nRtRemarkTypeID_FD

      JOIN DBA.DestinationAutoRemarks_TB AS DAR

       ON DAR.nRRemarkID_FD = R.nRRemarkID_FD

      JOIN DBA.ArrivalPoints_TB AS AP

       ON DAR.nDDestinationID_FD = AP.iDestinationID_FD

     WHERE AP.strArrivalPointCode_FD = @ArrivalPoint

      AND DAR.strDtDocType_FD = @DocType


     --Country stuff






      DBA.Remarks_TB R

      JOIN DBA.RemarkTypes_TB AS RT

       ON R.nRtRemarkTypeID_FD = R.nRtRemarkTypeID_FD

      JOIN DBA.CountryAutoRemarks_TB AS CAR

       ON R.nRRemarkID_FD = CAR.nRRemarkID_FD

      JOIN DBA.Destinations_TB AS D

       ON D.strCountryCode_FD = CAR.strCCountryCode_FD

      JOIN DBA.ArrivalPoints_TB AS Ap

       ON D.iDestinationID_FD = Ap.iDestinationID_FD

     WHERE Ap.strArrivalPointCode_FD = @ArrivalPoint

      AND CAR.strDtDocType_FD = @DocType


     --Vendor stuff






      DBA.Remarks_TB R

      JOIN DBA.RemarkTypes_TB RT

       ON R.nRtRemarkTypeID_FD = R.nRtRemarkTypeID_FD

      JOIN DBA.VendorAutoRemarks_TB VAR

       ON R.nRRemarkID_FD = VAR.nRRemarkID_FD

     WHERE VAR.lVVendID_FD = @VendID

      AND VAR.strDtDocType_FD = @DocType

     ORDER BY nRtOrder_FD;

     SELECT @l_strRetVal = ''

     SELECT @l_bFirstRow = 1

     OPEN FoldRemarksCursor

     FETCH FoldRemarksCursor INTO @l_strFoldRemark;



      IF @l_bFirstRow = 1


        SELECT @l_bFirstRow = 0




        SELECT @l_strRetVal = @l_strRetVal + (Char( 13 ))


      SELECT @l_strRetVal = @l_strRetVal + COALESCE ( @l_strFoldRemark, '' )

      FETCH FoldRemarksCursor INTO @l_strFoldRemark;


     CLOSE FoldRemarksCursor

     IF REPLACE( @l_strRetVal, CHAR ( 13 ), '' ) = ''


      SELECT @l_strRetVal = ''


     RETURN LTRIM( RTRIM( @l_strRetVal ))




  • Your error is comming from your UNION statement.  Look up UNION versus UNION ALL in BOL.  UNION is pretty much the same as doing a DISTINCT on the UNIONed recordset as it does not allow for duplicates.  Just as the error states, certain string valued data types do not allow for DISTINCT.  This tells me that one or more of your columns in your SELECT are one of these data types not supported by DISTINCT. 

    On another note, since your new to SP's and functions, I'll be the first to tell you (I'm sure others will post the same thing too) that cursors are the bad.  Why don't you start a new thread and give a more detailed description of what you are trying to accomplish.  You will most likely then get a SET based solution that will blow the doors off of your CURSOR-within a -FUNCTION approach.  Also, you'd be better off using a stored procedure over the function due to the reuse of the query plan.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • As soon as @l_strRetVal is VARCHAR (8000) you must use CONVERT(VARCHAR (8000), ...) for all fields having type text and participating in population of this value.

    And read again Joh's post. Especially the part about cursors.

    You have probably one of the worst cursors.

    Believe me, Excel spreadsheet calculations will work faster than your code. And if amount of data will exceed Excel capacity your code will be running forever.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thanks guys!  The reason for using cusors is because the syntax needs to support both Sybase ASA7 and SQL Server DBMS's.  I think this is the only way to obtain this type of data for ASA7, but i think i will add a new post and create separate sp's for Syabse and SQL Server if performance is going to be as bad as you say!

    Thanks again!

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