Error Description

  • Hello Guys,

    I have one question for you.

    How I can determine the Error Description for one @@error especific.

    Without consult into sysmessages.

    What I need is that I have one Raisee Error Created.


    50013 - The Validation of the Trigger "%s" had failed due the field(s) "%s" with values "%s"  "%s".

    I send the Raise Error as Follow:

    RAISERROR(50013,-1,-1, 'UD_TRG_MTREME01_UPD_01','CCARID-CCARCONS',@V_cParamValues, 'Generated Duplicated Values into this Keys' )

    All this information makes a complete error message. How I can do obtain this message.



  • Not sure what is exactly your question.

    1. You Know on the server side what error message is going to be generated because you know the Error Code (specially for numbers higher that 50000)

    2.You know on the client what is the description by examing the Error raised on the client Side


    * Noel

  • Yes you are rigth.

    But if I need that this error message conformed pass from one internal store procedure to other and finally from this, the error could be sent to the clitn how i can catch the exact description using the description that comes from the internal with variable %s or %d from Raise error.



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