Error 9004 After CREATE DATABASE

  • Whenever I create a user database with the data and log file on an MSA1000 external storage device (they think it's a SAN), we receive a bunch of errors and exceptions, starting with "An error occurred while processing the log for database .." and "Error 9004, Severity 23, State 1" and ending with an SQL dump log with the error "Unresolved deadlock".

    It is creating the data and log file, but fails when trying to access it.

    The server admins have pored over this box and everything has the latest patches. This server was recently stripped and Windows 2003 was installed on it. The MSA1000 has not been touched. Everything worked before the upgrade.

    The SQL service account is set up as local admin on the server. It can create/modify/remove files from the external drive. It can create/remove databases on the local drives.

    When I change the SQL service account to our "standard" SQL account, the problem does not occur. When I change it to a local account, the problem does not occur. When I change it back to what the user claims their application needs it to be, I the error goes away and I can create a database 5 or 6 times, then the problem re-occurs.

    I've uninstalled/reinstalled SQL and the SP. I've rebooted about a billion times.

    Has anyone, anywhere, ever seen a problem like this before?

    We are running SQL Server 2000 SP4 Standard on a Windows Server 2003 SP2. The server has 2GB RAM and 8 processors (strange config, I know - the app owner is a bit odd). The external storage has of 150GB.

    Here is what the error log throws out:


    Stack Signature for the dump is 0x752CF34D

    Unresolvable deadlock encountered. Server may need to be restarted.

    Wait-for graph


    KEY: 1:30:2 (0500451951c3) CleanCnt:2 Mode: X Flags: 0x0

    Grant List 1::

    Owner:0x42c43300 Mode: X Flg:0x0 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:51 ECID:0

    SPID: 51 ECID: 0 Statement Type: CREATE DATABASE Line #: 1

    Input Buf: Language Event: CREATE DATABASE [TestDB1] ON PRIMARY ( NAME = N'TestDB1' SIZE = 51200

    Requested By:

    ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: U SPID:51 ECID:0 Ec:(0x42E61560) Value:0x42c46f20 Cost:(66/3F8FAE0)

    Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5'

    Error: 9004 State: 1

    An error occurred while processing the log for database 'TestDB1'..

    Starting up database 'TestDB1'.

    Here is the dump log:



    BugCheck Dump


    This file is generated by Microsoft SQL Server 8.00.2039

    upon detection of fatal unexpected error. Please return this file,

    the query or program that produced the bugcheck, the database and

    the error log, and any other pertinent information with a Service Request.

    Computer type is AT/AT COMPATIBLE.

    Bios Version is COMPAQ - 2

    Current time is 15:05:30 10/24/07.

    8 Intel x86 level 15, 1996 Mhz processor(s).

    Windows NT 5.2 Build 3790 CSD Service Pack 2.


    MemoryLoad = 19%

    Total Physical = 2047 MB

    Available Physical = 1642 MB

    Total Page File = 3947 MB

    Available Page File = 3673 MB

    Total Virtual = 2047 MB

    Available Virtual = 319 MB

    *Dump thread - spid = 4, PSS = 0x42cc60c0, EC = 0x42cc63f0

    *Stack Dump being sent to e:\program files\MSSQL\log\SQLDump0005.txt

    * *****************************************************************************




    * 10/24/07 15:05:30 spid 4


    * Unresolved deadlock



    * *****************************************************************************


    * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


    * Short Stack Dump

    * 009BA08C Module(sqlservr+005BA08C) (GetOSErrString+00004F68)

    * 009BA9B5 Module(sqlservr+005BA9B5) (GetOSErrString+00005891)

    * 00988510 Module(sqlservr+00588510) (CDStream::operator=+0003E373)

    * 006D759D Module(sqlservr+002D759D) (SQLExit+0016FAA6)

    * 00408655 Module(sqlservr+00008655)

    * 00563A63 Module(sqlservr+00163A63)

    * 41075309 Module(ums+00005309) (ProcessWorkRequests+000002D9 Line 456+00000000


    * 41074978 Module(ums+00004978) (ThreadStartRoutine+00000098 Line 263+00000007)

    * 7C34940F Module(MSVCR71+0000940F) (endthread+000000AA)

    * 77E64829 Module(kernel32+00024829) (GetModuleHandleA+000000DF)

    PSS @0x42CC60C0


    pspid = 4 m_dwLoginFlags = 0x0000 plsid = 1119454168

    pbackground = 1



    01 .

    sSecFlags = 0x10

    pdeadlockpri = 0 poffsets = 0x0 pss_stats = 0x0

    ptickcount = 6043843 pcputickcount = 12061933149644

    ploginstamp = 4 ptimestamp = 2007-10-24 15:05:00.293

    plangid = 0 pdateformat = 0 pdatefirst = 0

    poptions = 0x0 poptions2 = 0x0 pline = 0

    pcurstepno = 0 prowcount = 0 pstatlist = 0

    pcurcmd = 35 pseqstat = 0 ptextsize = 4096

    pretstat = 0 CNestLevel = 0 @@procid = 0

    pslastbatchstarttime = 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 pmemusage = 1

    hLicense = 0 tpFlags = 0x1 isolation_level = 0

    fips_flag = 0x0 sSaveSecFlags = 0x0 psavedb = 0

    pfetchstat = 0 pcrsrows = 0

    pslastbatchtime = 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 pubexecdb = 0

    fInReplicatedProcExec = 0 pMsqlXact = 0x42CC6A48 presSemCount = [0]0

    presSemCount = [0]0 pcputot = 0 pcputotstart = 0

    pcpucmdstart = 0 pbufread = 0 pbufreadstart = 0

    plogbufread = 0 plogbufreadstart = 0 pbufwrite = 0

    pbufwritestart = 0 pLockTimeout = 4294967295 pUtilResultSet = 0x00000000



    ec_pss->pspid = 4 ecid = 0 ec_stat = 0x0

    ec_stat2 = 0x0 ec_atomic = 0x0 pcurdb = 0

    ec_lasterror = 0 ec_preverror = 0 ec_cpucur = 4294967295

    ec_cmderrs = 0 ec_timeslice = 100 ec_dbtable = 0x00000000

    ec_reswait = 0xc4d4e0 ec_dbindex = -1 ec_waittype = 0x0000

    Waittime = 0 ec_umsContext->m_pSched->m_id (SchedulerId) = 0x3

    ec_umsContext->m_workercntxt->m_id (threadId) = 0x1654

    ExecutionContext Summary @0x42CC63F0


    ec_pss->pspid = 4 ecid = 0 ec_stat = 0x0

    ec_stat2 = 0x0 ec_atomic = 0x0 pcurdb = 0

    ec_lasterror = 0 ec_preverror = 0 ec_cpucur = 4294967295

    ec_cmderrs = 0 ec_timeslice = 100 ec_dbtable = 0x00000000

    ec_reswait = 0xc4d4e0 ec_dbindex = -1 ec_waittype = 0x0000

    Waittime = 0 ec_umsContext->m_pSched->m_id (SchedulerId) = 0x3

    ec_umsContext->m_workercntxt->m_id (threadId) = 0x1654

    EC @0x42CC63F0


    ec_pss->pspid = 4 ecid = 0 ec_cmderrs = 0

    ec_stat = 0x0 ec_stat2 = 0x0 ec_atomic = 0x0

    ec_curdb = 0 ec_dbtable = 0x0 ec_dbstat = 0x0

    ec_xchgSpinlock = 0x00000000

    ec_lockhashQueuedLock = 0x00000000 ec_dbindex = -1

    ec_lasterror = 0 ec_save_ex_number = 0

    ec_save_ex_address = 0x00000000 ec_cpucur = 4294967295

    ec_timeslice = 100 ec_next = 0x00000000 ec_prev = 0x00000000

    ec_state = 1 ec_waittype = 0x0000 ec_dbstat2 = 0

    ec_preverror = 0 ec_subecstat = 1 ec_subecnext = 0x00000000

    ec_resSemWaitInfo = 0 ec_umsContext->m_pSched->m_id (SchedulerId) = 0x3

    ec_umsContext->m_workercntxt->m_id (threadId) = 0x1654

    ec_backupContext = 0x00000000 ec_dbccContext = 0x00000000

    ec_allocFile = 0x00000000 ec_buftrace.Index = 0

    EXCEPT (null) @0x03F8FDA4


    exc_number = 0 exc_severity = 0

    exc_func = SQLExit+90cbc Line 0+0x0

  • Hope this helps....

    "-=Still Learning=-"

    Lester Policarpio

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