Error-40 could not open a SQL server

  • Hi, we recently migrate our SQL2005 server on a upgraded server,after installtion we chnaged the ip of server.

    we publish a application on citrix layer based on this dbserver

    but after a day an error has occured,

    'A network-related or instance specific error occured while establishing a cconnection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accesible. verify that the instance name is correct andSQL server allow configured to allow remote connection (Provide named pipes provider, error-40 - could not open a connection to SQL server).

    after 10-15 min it's automatically starts working, and this problem we are facing requently but unbale to find the root couase and solution.

    There is nothing in the log,

    The named pipe and TCP/IP is enable for Server/Client. Port is already open on firewall,

    please help


    Jai Verma

  • not to ask a dumb question but did you check all logs? Application log, event log, Sql server erro log, SQL server system log?


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • All the logs has been checked but there is nothing to be suspected.


  • jai verma (6/9/2010)

    Hi, we recently migrate our SQL2005 server on a upgraded server,after installtion we chnaged the ip of server.

    we publish a application on citrix layer based on this dbserver

    but after a day an error has occured,

    'A network-related or instance specific error occured while establishing a cconnection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accesible. verify that the instance name is correct andSQL server allow configured to allow remote connection (Provide named pipes provider, error-40 - could not open a connection to SQL server).

    after 10-15 min it's automatically starts working, and this problem we are facing requently but unbale to find the root couase and solution.

    There is nothing in the log,

    The named pipe and TCP/IP is enable for Server/Client. Port is already open on firewall,

    please help


    Jai Verma

    Were you trying to connect to the SQL Server using its Instance Name? Sometimes the DNS caused this type of problem (as you are sure of all the other things).

    If you were using IP, probably thats because of Network blip.check your DNS as well as your network settings for any frequent blips. You would might like to a have some 2 to 4 hours (more or less depending on the frequency of error) Ping Response of the server to be monitored and then analyse the response time.

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