Error 2812 cannot find stored procedure

  • Hi all

    I get the following error Executed as user: 'service account'. Could not find stored procedure 'up_stored_procedure'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 2812).  The step failed when I execute up_stored_procedure. The stored procedure exists in the correct database and I also connect to the right database before executing the stored procedure. I have not seen the error before and i've run out of ideas at the moment. Has anyone seen this behaviour before and how do I go about correcting the issue. Thanks

  • Is the procedure owned by dbo?  If not, you'll have to qualify the ownere when you call it, or change the owner to dbo. 

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • the owner is dbo and i've tried running by qualifying the stored procedure but still got the same result. I've not seen this kind of issue before where a procedure exists and does not exist...

  • The proc it's complaining about is the one you're explicitly executing and not a proc called by the one you're calling?

    Are you sure the database context actually points to the correct database when the proc is called?

    What do you get when you run

    select * from sysobjects where type = 'p'

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Help!


    My coworker ran the job last night, it was failed. The error message is can not find out store procedure.

    The sp is exist and in the correct database. I guess he may not have the permition as DBA to run this job?

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