Encryption / Decryption in Sql Server 2005

  • Hi all...

    I suppose to encrypt the password column in my login table.. For that i used the below Functions for implementing the Encryption and Decryption against a Input..

    For Encryption

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fnEncrypt]


    -- Add the parameters for the function here

    @key varchar(Max) = 'Testing',

    @Input sql_variant,

    @ID int = 1


    RETURNS VarBinary(Max)



    --Variable Declaration

    Declare @EncryptedOutput as VarBinary(max)

    Declare @ExactInput as VarChar(max)

    Declare @ExactId as VarBinary(Max)

    --If Key has no value...

    If Len(@Key) = 0

    Set @key = '$Key has no Value$'

    -- VarBinary Only allowed for encryption as 4th Argument

    set @ExactId = CONVERT( varbinary(max), @ID)

    -- VarChar Only allowed for encryption as 2nd Argument

    Set @ExactInput = cast(@Input as varchar(max))

    -- For Encryption

    Select @EncryptedOutput = EncryptByPassPhrase(@Key, @ExactInput , 1, @ExactId )

    -- Return the result of the function

    RETURN @EncryptedOutput


    For Decryption

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fnDecrypt]


    -- Add the parameters for the function here

    @key varchar(Max) = 'Testing',

    @Input sql_variant,

    @ID int = 1


    RETURNS varchar(Max)



    --Variable Declaration

    Declare @DecryptedOutput as Varchar(max)

    Declare @ExactInput as VarChar(max)

    Declare @ExactId as VarBinary(Max)

    --If Key has no value...

    If Len(@Key) = 0

    Set @key = '$Key has no Value$'

    --VarBinary Only allowed for encryption as 4th Argument

    set @ExactId = CONVERT( varbinary(max), @ID)

    --VarChar Only allowed for encryption as 2nd Argument

    Set @ExactInput = cast(@Input as varchar(max))

    --For Decryption

    Select @DecryptedOutput = CONVERT(varchar(max),

    DecryptByPassphrase(@Key, Cast(@ExactInput as VarBinary(max)), 1, @ExactId)


    -- Return the result of the function

    RETURN @DecryptedOutput


    In these functions i am just encrypting the data by using the Key which am passing randomly.

    Is this is a better way for encrypting the data or any other algorithms ??

    What about the Symmetric keys & Certificates usage??

    Can anyone describe about this???

    Ramkumar . K
    Senior Developer
    No Surrender... No Give Up....

  • This is a complicated subject and we can't necessarily give you a complete explanation on encryption. I'd suggest you read in BOL and articles on building encryption into an application. There are pros and cons of using each way.

  • Hi Steve..

    Can you suggest any link regarding the BOL..

    Because i have no idea Regarding that.. If i get a bit i ll proceed the next..

    Thanks in Advance...

    Ramkumar . K
    Senior Developer
    No Surrender... No Give Up....

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