Encrypting data transfer between QL Server and Oracle

  • Greetings,

    I am moving data between SQL Server and Oracle 10gR2 running on Linux. I would like to encrypt the data but have not been able to find specific documentation explaining how to do that. Is it possible and if so can someone point me at documentation. Thanks.

  • Insufficient data. As a principle, of course you can encrypt data. The hard part is correctly decrypting the encryption. WHAT will control the encrypt/decrypt process? That will answer whether (1) it's possible and (2) what options are feasible.

  • Greetings, yes, I realize now my post was vague. Let me see if I can amplify. When using Oracle it is possible to install Oracle's Advanced Security Option piece. By then configuring the networking it is possible to encrypt traffic as it goes across the network from one Oracle database to another. It is a fairly simple configuration requireing only a few parameters be added to the sqlnet configuration files, sqlnet.ora specifically. Is there a similar piece available for SQL Server, a simple 'add-on' if you will which will easily enable encrypting data as it goes across the network. Thanks.

  • If connecting to SQL Server, SQL Server can be set up to use an SSL certificate and create encrypted connections. Encryption can be forced on for all connectins using Server Network Utility. I know clients on the Windows side support this, but I don't know about the Linux side.

    If you are connecting from SQL Server to Oracle, say via a linked server, SQL Server will use the Oracle client as installed on the SQL Server. Therefore, if there is some way to set that up to force encryption, you should be set.

    Failing that, there might be a way to set up an IPSEC tunnel between the two servers.


    K. Brian Kelley

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