Encrypting a varbinary(max) field

  • Hi Everyone. I'm hoping someone can help me out in this.

    I have a requirement to store a small number of PDF's within a SQL Server table. However, they also need to be encrypted, due to the nature of some information contained in the documents.

    I can create a field that is varbinary(max) and store the PDF in that field (I used the following simple insert (although I'm sure there's probably an easier way):

    INSERT INTO table2 (account_id, form, date_created, pdf_image_max1)

    SELECT 99999999 AS account_id, 'PXX' AS form, getdate() AS date_created, * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'D:\mydoc.pdf', SINGLE_BLOB) AS pdf_image_max1

    This is in an unencrypted state and I'm just researching at this point.

    I also have another varbinary(max) field in the table, where I was going to stored the encrypted value of the insert I just did. However, when I try to encrypt it using:

    update letters2 set pdf_image_max2=EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('MySymKey'), pdf_image_max1)

    I get a truncation error. I Googled this and it seems like the encrypted value is always larger than the unencypted value and because of that, the encryption of a varbinary(max) field causes the truncation (but I'm not 100% sure). The actual binary size of the PDF is much smaller than varbinary(max), but more than varbinary(8000) so I'm a little stuck now.

    Has anyone run across this and worked through a solution?

    Many thanks in advance.


  • The return type of ENCRYPTBYKEY is varbinary(8000) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms174361.aspx

    You may want to look into doing something homegrown using SQLCLR, or look around for projects on codeplex or sourceforge.

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