Dynamic to Static Port

  • I want to assign static ports to my sql server instances ( 3 in a cluster ) .

    I got a nice link http://support.microsoft.com/kb/823938 but i am not able to locate server network utility box where i can do the changes .

    Please suggest .

  • The "server network utility" is for SQL 2000 and earlier. SQL 2005 and higher you configure the ports in the SQL Server Configuration Manager under Network Configuration

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • The SQL Server Config manager is an MMC snap-in. It can usually be located in start > All Programs > MS SQL server 2005 > Configuration tools.

    Expand SQL server config manager and then SQL Server "005 Network manager. Double click TCP/IP in the protocals and then select IP adresses tab. SCroll to the bottom and you can set the port there.

    SQL server will need to be restarted for the chanhge to take effect.

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