Dynamic SQL Problem

  • Hello

    I am writing a script that will verify all files that I have in source safe against my database.

    It should be real simple...cursor with all files listed, then do an if exists against the database. When doing this, the dynamic if exists dosent work or in aother test it cant find my database in sysdatabases????

    Anyone have any ideas?

    Thanks in Advance

    Eric Peterson

    ********************* source Code *********************

    if exists ( select name from sysobjects where name = 'cspValidateDBScripts' )

    drop procedure cspValidateDBScripts


    Create procedure cspValidateDBScripts

    @DBin varchar(30)



    declare @procNamevarchar(50)

    declare @fileNamevarchar(50)

    declare @SQLOutvarchar(1000)

    declare @DropSQL varchar(1000)

    declare @CheckSQL varchar(1000)

    declare @counter int

    --set @SQLOut = 'use ' + @DBin

    --execute (@SQLOut)

    declare ProcedureListCursor cursor


    select 'admin_CSPListByClient'

    --changed for testing....normally it would list all files'

    open ProcedureListCursor

    Fetch ProcedureListCursor

    into @fileName

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @sqlOut = 'echo ' + @fileName

    print @SQLOut

    set @procName = +replace(@fileName, '.sql', '')

    --set @checkSQL = 'if not exists (select name from '''+ @dbin + '.dbo.sysobjects'' where name = ''' + @procName + ''') print ' + @procname +' does not exist'

    set @checkSQL = 'select name from '+ @dbin + '.dbo.sysobjects where name = ''' + @procName + ''''

    print @checkSQL

    execute @checkSQL

    -- begin

    --set @DropSQL = 'Drop Procedure ' + @dbin + '.dbo.' + @procName

    --print @DropSQL

    -- end

    -- else

    --print 'Procedure ' + @procName + ' does not exist'

    --set @sqlOut = 'isql -S' + @ServerIn + ' -d' + rtrim(@dbin) + ' -U' + @uid+ ' -P'+@pwd +' -i' + @fileName

    --print @SQLOut

    --set @sqlOut = ' '

    --print @SQLOut

    Fetch ProcedureListCursor

    into @procName


    close ProcedureListCursor

    deallocate ProcedureListCursor

    end -- cspValidateDBScripts

    -- -- cspValidateDBScripts Hino


    --execute ('select * from Hino.dbo.sysobjects where name = ''admin_CSPListByClient''')

  • here is an easier way to test....

    declare @checkSQL varchar(500)

    set @checkSQL = 'select name from master..sysdatabases'

    print @checkSQL

    execute @checkSQL

    ***************** returns the following and error ********************

    select name from master..sysdatabases

    Server: Msg 911, Level 16, State 1, Line 54

    Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'select name from master'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

    now we all know that the master database exists.....so what is the issue here????

  • I like it when I solve my own problems.....

    the execute has to have () around the sql and it works...



    Wasnt that straight forward

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