dynamic sql

  • create Procedure FortnightlyJobTransaction

    @@FilterTablevarchar(50)= null,

    @@FortnightEndDate datetime =null,

    @@StartEmployeeNo varchar(50) =null,

    @@EndEmployeeNo varchar(50)=null


    set dateformat dmy

    --set @@FortnightEndDate ='2003/06/29'


    @SQL varchar(8000),

    @FEndDate varchar(12),

    @FNEndDate Datetime

    set @FEndDate=(select Convert(varchar(10),@@FortnightEndDate,103))

    set @FNEndDate=(select Convert(datetime,@FEndDate))

    set @@FortnightEndDate=@FNEndDate

    -- Create Temporary Table

    create table #tmp0 (

    JobTranID int,

    JobCode varchar(20),

    TranType varchar(1),

    Trandate datetime,

    HierarchyCode1 varchar(20),

    TimeCode varchar(5),

    Quantity numeric(16,2),

    PersonID int,

    EmployeeNo varchar(50),

    Surname varchar(50),

    FirstName varchar(50)


    -- Populate Temporary Table according to filter criteria

    set @SQL = 'insert into #tmp0 (JobTranID,JobCode,TranType,TranDate)

    select t.JobTranID,t.JobCode,t.TranType,t.TranDate from JobTransactions t,' + @@FilterTable +

    ' where t.JobCode = ' + @@FilterTable +

    '.JobCode ' +

    'and'+ '('+ 't.trantype=''T'''+ 'or t.trantype=''D'''+')'

    'and(t.trandate>='+@@FortnightEndDate-13+'and t.trandate=' + @@FortnightEndDate +')'

    exec (@SQL)




    when i try to execute the above dynamic sql, it gives me convertion error.

    'and(t.trandate>='+@@FortnightEndDate-13+'and t.trandate=' + @@FortnightEndDate +')'--only problem in this line.

    i want to populate the data into #tmp0 using filter by date.

    cant i define the @@FortnightEndDate as datetime and then compare that with the trandate(which is the date field in the table) inside the dynamic sql.

    should i define that parameter as a varchar.



  • If you print your SQL variable, you'll find that your @@FortnightEndDate variables are returning values that need quotes around them... it's an easy fix...

    'and(t.trandate>='''+@@FortnightEndDate-13+'''and t.trandate=''' + @@FortnightEndDate +''')'

    --Jeff Moden

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    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • I think that you might also be missing a plus sign ("+") between these two lines:

    'and'+ '('+ 't.trantype=''T'''+ 'or t.trantype=''D'''+')'

    'and(t.trandate>='+@@FortnightEndDate-13+'and t.trandate=' + @@FortnightEndDate +')'

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog: MovingSQL.com, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • thaya2002 (3/18/2008)

    create Procedure FortnightlyJobTransaction

    @@FilterTablevarchar(50)= null,

    @@FortnightEndDate datetime =null,

    @@StartEmployeeNo varchar(50) =null,

    @@EndEmployeeNo varchar(50)=null



    -- Create Temporary Table

    create table #tmp0 (

    ... )

    -- Populate Temporary Table according to filter criteria

    set @SQL = 'insert into #tmp0 (JobTranID,JobCode,TranType,TranDate)

    select t.JobTranID,t.JobCode,t.TranType,t.TranDate from JobTransactions t,' + @@FilterTable +

    ' where t.JobCode = ' + @@FilterTable +

    '.JobCode ' +

    'and'+ '('+ 't.trantype=''T'''+ 'or t.trantype=''D'''+')'

    'and(t.trandate>='+@@FortnightEndDate-13+'and t.trandate=' + @@FortnightEndDate +')'

    exec (@SQL)


    dynamic SQL leads to aggravating errors like the one you've encountered. because of this, i prefer to keep dynamic sql statements as simple as possible. since you're already using temp tables you shouldn't mind another and this alternative makes the coding easier.


    -- Create Temporary Table

    create table #tmp0 (

    ... )

    exec ('select distinct JobCode into #codes from '+ @@FilterTable)

    -- Populate Temporary Table according to filter criteria

    insert into #tmp0 (JobTranID,JobCode,TranType,TranDate)

    select t.JobTranID,t.JobCode,t.TranType,t.TranDate

    from JobTransactions t join #codes

    on t.JobCode = #codes.JobCode


    t.trantype in ('T','D')

    and (t.trandate >= @@FortnightEndDate -13

    and t.trandate= @@FortnightEndDate)

    with this change, you don't need to worry about embedded quotes and it's plain to see that the t.trandate comparison is incorrect since it will only return data for trandate = @@FortnightEndDate. i think you want

    t.trandate between (@@FortnightEndDate - 13) and @@FortnightEndDate

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