Dynamic query to open row set required

  • hi all

    use info_db

    Insert Into dbo.Server_Details_Table

    select A.*


    OPENROWSET ('SQLNCLI10', 'server=hrad;trusted_connection=yes',

    'set fmtonly off exec [MASTER].[dbo].[SP_SQL_Server_Info_ToReport]')as A

    Howcan i make server name dynamic here

    because i nedd to pass different servers names then the above query needs to execute and i.e with windows authentication.

    Help in advance


  • Hi Sridevi,

    I hope you are looking for a solution like below

    DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max)

    DECLARE @Server nvarchar(100) = N'hrad'

    SET @SQL = N'

    Insert Into dbo.Server_Details_Table

    select A.*


    OPENROWSET (''SQLNCLI10'', ''server=' + @Server + ';trusted_connection=yes'',

    ''set fmtonly off exec [MASTER].[dbo].[SP_SQL_Server_Info_ToReport]'')as A'

    exec sp_executesql @SQL

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