dynamic querry error

  • drop table document

    drop table folder_document

    create table document (id int,name varchar(30))

    create table folder_document (id int,name varchar(30),document int)

    declare @sql nvarchar(max)

    declare @docTable table(id int);

    insert into @docTable values(1)

    insert into @docTable values(2)

    insert into @docTable values(3)

    insert into @docTable values(4)

    select * from @docTable

    set @sql='

    select rd.id,rd.name,fd.name

    from document rd left outer join folder_document fd on rd.id=fd.document

    where rd.id in (select id from @docTable)'

    exec sp_executesql @sql

    Msg 1087, Level 15, State 2, Line 4

    Must declare the table variable "@docTable".

  • The SQL being run by sp_executesql is executed in a different process to the rest of your script, so @docTable isn't available to sp_executesql.

    You will need to include the creation of @docTable in the dynamic sql i.e.

    set @sql='

    declare @docTable table(id int);

    insert into @docTable values(1)

    insert into @docTable values(2)

    insert into @docTable values(3)

    insert into @docTable values(4)

    select * from @docTable

    select rd.id,rd.name,fd.name

    from document rd left outer join folder_document fd on rd.id=fd.document

    where rd.id in (select id from @docTable)'

  • Can you tell me, why you are going for dynamic query as per your script...

  • Variables that are declared outside of the dynamic SQL are not known in the dynamic SQL. You’ll have to change your code to work with temporary table instead of table variable or to include the creation of the table variable and the insert statement to the table in the dynamic SQL. Notice that using dynamic SQL has its own problems (especially regarding security and permissions) and you’ll might want to find another way to do what you want to do.


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  • I have generated the sample code but actually in last select statement select fields names come from another dynamic table which one is based on physical table...............

    dont worry i have finished with Temporary variables.........and my work done

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