Dynamic Like

  • Hi all,

    I am trying to UPDATE the column SupplementaryInformation in the temp table #temptitle3, where the title is like the column val, TEMP Table @textsvalueBG. Val is a series of strings.
    Required rows are is easily returned in regular T-SQL, but the values are stored in a matrix table and so are Dynamic.

    --Simple easy statement
    --Source table WINF with the lookup values using wildcards
    --lookup values are also stored in Matrix table
    --Returns 17770 rows
    SELECT *
    FROM [WINF] w
    WHERE W.title like '%(%' AND WINFkey like 'BG%'
    AND (Title like '%INCIDENTAL%'
    OR Title like '%PART%'
    OR Title like '%PT%'
    OR Title like '%THEME%'
    OR Title like '%CONCERT%'
    OR Title like '%EPS%'
    OR Title like '%SCORE%'
    OR Title like '%DO NOT USE%'
    OR Title like '%CUES%'
    OR Title like '%EMI%'
    OR Title like '%VOCAL%'
    OR Title like '%INSTRUMENTAL%'
    OR Title like '%MIX%'
    OR Title like '%FROM%'
    OR Title like '%END%'
    OR Title like '%CONCERT%'
    OR Title like '%VERSION%'
    OR Title like '%EDIT%'
    OR Title like '%REPRISE%'
    OR Title like '%OVERTURE%'
    OR Title like '%FEAT%'
    OR Title like '%BONUS%'
    OR Title like '%OPUS%'
    OR Title like '%MAIN%'
    OR Title like '%CREDIT%'
    OR Title like '%BUILD@%'
    OR Title like '%FR%'
    OR Title like '%TV%'
    OR Title like '%FILM%'
    OR Title like '%KARAOKE%'
    OR Title like '%PRODUCED%'
    OR Title like '%OS CUES%'
    OR Title like '%O/S PERF%'
    OR Title like '%BACKGROUND%'
    OR Title like '%BKG%' )

    The Dynamic statement is not returning the same number of rows.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temptitle3') IS NOT NULL
                DROP TABLE #temptitle3

    DECLARE @Information3 VARCHAR(MAX)

    SELECT WINFkey,Title,SupplementaryInformation = @Information3
    INTO #temptitle3
    WHERE title like '%(%' and (WINFkey Like 'BG%' )

    DECLARE @textsvalueBG TABLE(catgeory VARCHAR(2),val VARCHAR(100),SupplementaryInformation VARCHAR(100))
    Insert into @textsvalueBG SELECT category,texts , '' from [rpt].[Matrix] WHERE Category in ('BG')        

    UPDATE #temptitle3
         SET SupplementaryInformation = SUBSTRING(Title,CHARINDEX('(',Title),LEN(Title))
         FROM #temptitle3
         WHERE RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(Title,CHARINDEX('(',Title)+1 ,LEN(Title))))
                        (select RTRIM(LTRIM(val)) from @textsvalueBG)

    --This only returns 91 rows                    
    SELECT t.*, w.title 'Originial Title'
    FROM #temptitle3 t
    JOIN [WINF] w
    ON t.WINFkey = w.WINFkey
    WHERE SupplementaryInformation is not null

    Any assistance would be appreciated.

  • The second query has an additional WHERE clause that could be affecting the output. Validate that against the first query.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • I think the problem is the IN it needs to be a IN Like from title to %val%. How do I make it a like?

    UPDATE #temptitle3
         SET SupplementaryInformation = SUBSTRING(Title,CHARINDEX('(',Title),LEN(Title))
         FROM #temptitle3
         WHERE RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(Title,CHARINDEX('(',Title)+1,LEN(Title))))
                        (select RTRIM(LTRIM(val)) from @textsvalueBG)

    FROM #temptitle3

    SELECT RTRIM(LTRIM(val)) from @textsvalueBG

    [Title] Search Values:

    [VAL] Matrix Value:

  • I found a way to do the like in the join that appears to be working.

    UPDATE #temptitle3
         SET SupplementaryInformation = SUBSTRING(Title,CHARINDEX('(',Title),LEN(Title))
         FROM #temptitle3
         JOIN @textsvalueBG
         ON RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(Title,CHARINDEX('(',Title)+1,LEN(Title)))) LIKE RTRIM(LTRIM(val)) + '%'

  • SELECT column1   FROM table1 AS T1   INNER JOIN Params AS P1    ON T1.column LIKE '%' + P1.param + '%';

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