
  • i am working on a report where the data is displayed based on person

    say for example

    name of the person amount

    person A $100


    sum of person A $100

    if the amount is same i want to eliminate the amount in the sum.

    how do i achieve it Please let me know?

  • Hi.. 🙂


    Please go to visibility property of the textbox where you are trying to calculate the sum.


    Textbox name where you are calculating the sum is : SumTextBox

    Textbox name which holds the actual value : ActualTextBox

    Keeping Visible Property Expression as:

    =IIf(ReportItems!SumTextBox.Value = ReportItems!ActualTextBox.Value,true,false)

    This should help to resolve this issue.

    Thanks alot,

    Niraj 🙂

  • Every Textbox has property Hide Duplicates.

    This amount is sum for person A, then you must have Group for person.

    Set the Hide Duplicate property to Person's group Name for example "grpPerson". In fact when you will click on drop down which will come after Hide duplicate option of Textbox then that group name will appear in that drop down.

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