DTS version control

  • Hi,

    I would like to know if there is an efficient way to have version control over DTS packages. There can be a lot of changes in one iteration, and if it doesn't work, it can be very difficult to restore it to a previous working version. Has anyone ever encountered this problem before?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Jeffrey,

    I'm not sure I understand when you say it's difficult to revert to a previous version.  If you save packages to SQL Server, a new version is created each time you save the package.  If you take note of the the version and date before you make changes, you can go back to it later.  That's always worked fine for me but I don't have multiple people working on a single package.

    You can save packages as structured storage files and put them in Visual Source Safe if that works for you.  I've seen that mentioned on this site before.




  • As Greg noted - if you right-click the DTS package and select Versions, you should be able to go back. However if multiple people are making the changes I can see where it would be confusing. Is there any coordination among the people working on the DTS package to ensure that two people aren't making changes at the same time?


  • Hello, as the other's have mentioned you have the ability in EM to do this, but it has its problems/limitations. We have found that in saving the files as a structured storage file rather than to the server, and then checking that .dts file into a souce control system (we use VSS at the moment) works well for us when we need to go back 1 or more versions. Be aware that these files can get large, as they save multiple versions in the .dts file just as what is stored on the server.

    Hope that helps.

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