DTS tranform data task error required help urgent!

  • hi , below is a vbscript which i put inside my transform data task between my file connection and the sqlserver oldeb connection. In the package, i tried to create a table based on the filename and

    create the transformation column mapping

    to cater for new "fields" which may be in the textfile the next time uploading. However, i got an error on Line 38. Error

    Source: ADODB.Field

    Error Description: Error Code:0

    Error Source= ADODB.Field

    Error.Description: Operation not allowed when the object is closed.

    Error occured when

    -> oColumn.Size = adoRs.Fields(i).ActualSize . See below.

    what am i doing wrong? please advise.

    Option Explicit

    Const adVarChar = 200

    Const rsFieldLength = 60

    Function Main()

    Dim oPkg, oTask, oDataPump

    Dim sSourceTable, sDestinationTable, sHeaderString, sHeadArray

    Dim adoCn, adoRs

    Dim i, oColumn, oTransform, oTransProps

    set oPkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

    sSourceTable = DTSGlobalVariables("sFileName").Value

    sDestinationTable = DTSGlobalVariables("sTableName").Value

    sHeaderString = DTSGlobalVariables("sHeaderName").Value

    sHeadArray = Split(Trim(sHeaderString), ",")

    set oTask = oPkg.Tasks("Copy Data from Sales_Budget_Daily_2002 to

    [remedi].[dbo].[Sales_Budget_Daily_2002] Task").CustomTask

    oTask.SourceObjectName = sSourceTable

    oTask.DestinationObjectName = sDestinationTable

    set adoCn = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Connection")

    set adoRs = CREATEOBJECT("ADODB.Recordset")



    For i = 0 To UBound(sHeadArray)

    adoRs.Fields.Append sHeadArray(i) , adVarChar,



    For i = 0 to adoRs.Fields.Count-1

    ' add Column Definition

    set oColumn =

    oTask.DestinationColumnDefinitions.New(adoRs.Fields(i).Name, i + 1)

    With oColumn

    .Nullable = True

    .Size = adoRs.Fields(i).ActualSize ---> Error


    .DataType = adoRs.Fields(i).Type

    End With

    oTask.DestinationColumnDefinitions.Add oColumn

    set oColumn = Nothing

    ' add Transformation

    set oTransform =


    oTransform.Name = "Transformation" & i + 1

    ' source Transform

    set oColumn =

    oTransform.SourceColumns.New(adoRs.Fields(i).Name, 1)

    With oColumn

    .Nullable = True

    .Size = adoRs.Fields(i).ActualSize

    .DataType = adoRs.Fields(i).Type

    End With

    oTransform.SourceColumns.Add oColumn

    set oColumn = Nothing

    ' dest Transform

    set oColumn =

    oTransform.DestinationColumns.New(adoRs.Fields(i).Name, 1)

    With oColumn

    .Nullable = True

    .Size = adoRs.Fields(i).ActualSize

    .DataType = adoRs.Fields(i).Type

    End With

    oTransform.DestinationColumns.Add oColumn

    set oColumn = Nothing

    oTask.Transformations.Add oTransform

    set oTransProps = oTransform.TransformServerProperties

    set oTransform = Nothing

    set oTransProps = Nothing


    Main = DTSStepScriptResult_ExecuteTask

  • Would it be taht you haven't actually opened the Recordset object? You open the connection, not the recordset.

    Also, probably not a good idea to advertise your server name and the fact that it has a blank sa password


    Phill Carter

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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