DTS to Excel and recreating sheets each month

  • I have a process wherein I have to run 8 queries for one of our sales departments each month.  These queries are a rolling 12 months of sales numbers.  They create 12 tabs in an Excel spreadsheet.  Our sales people, when they identify a prospect, tag the customer record with their tag.  These queries utitlize that tag and look at the date it was set.  We then run a query multiple times that returns:

    Everyone tagged in March 2005, what were their sales for the next 12 months?

    Everyone tagged in April 2005, what were their sales for the next 12 months?

    This continues for a year.

    I have put this into a DTS package, but my problem is this.  If I run this query fresh up to February 2006, end up with a spreadsheet that has the following tabs:

    March 2005

    April 2005

    May 2005

    June 2005

    July 2005

    August 2005

    September 2005

    October 2005

    November 2005

    December 2005

    January 2006

    February 2006

    Next month I want these same tabs, but I want to add March 2006 and drop February 2005.  Is there a way to accomplish this without completing resetting up the DTS package?

  • Something like :

    SELECT DATENAME(month, dateadd(month,-12,getdate()))+' '+DATENAME(year, dateadd(month,-12,getdate())) AS 'First Tab'

    SELECT DATENAME(month, dateadd(month,-11,getdate()))+' '+DATENAME(year, dateadd(month,-11,getdate())) AS 'SecondTab'

    can help you manufacture the months


    Then use that in your DTS package where you create the worksheets:

    declare @TableName nvarchar(200)

    set @TableName = (SELECT DATENAME(month, dateadd(month,-12,getdate()))+' '+DATENAME(year, dateadd(month,-12,getdate())) AS 'First Tab')

    select @TableName

    declare @SQLstring nvarchar(4000)

    set @SQLstring = N'Create Table `' + @TableName + '` (`Col001` Long , `Col002` Long , `Col003` VarChar (20) , `Col004` VarChar (30)  )'

    select @SqlString

    execute sp_executesql @SQLstring

    Hope this helps!



  • Thanks!  I have one more question though.  If the tabs already exist, how do I get rid of them so that I can recreate them?  DROP TABLE doesn't seem to be allowed in DTS.

  • Dunno, I always start with a new workbook.

  • OK, well that's a simple answer.  Thanks!

  • You could set aside a master copy of the spreadsheet and copy it to the real destination as part of the "initialization" of the package.



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