DTS Sch. Job Fails -doesn't exist or access denied

  • I have DTS package scheduled to run with Agent. It runs AOK manually but fails if done through agent. The failure message I get is "SQL Server Does Not Exist or Access Denied" I understand this is probably a permissions issue. What permissions should the SQL Server Services Agent have? Should it be in the System Administrators Group? We have NT 4

  • I'm guessing the user that runs the SQL Server Agent doesn't have access to one of the connections in the DTS Package. Check if the logon account for the SQL Server agent has access to all databases. See BOL topic "Handling Package Security in DTS" Also, was a "user" password created when the DTS package was saved?



  • Hi cross,

    Check here.... DTS schedule problem


  • Thanks for the advice and the link - The NT account that runs Agent is a member of the SQL Server sysadmin role and is member of the NT System Administrators group. I read the article - very helpful in explaining details. I checked on things the article said to check on and found no problems. I did more testing and found that another, less complicated package will run OK when scheduled. Maybe it is a problem with just the one.

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