dts process of cubes has errors

  • Hi,

    I'm a newbie to cubes so please bear with me. I've inherited some cubes that were processing via dts without any difficulties. However, I needed to make a change to one of the dimensions, which is where all my troubles began. Initially I was getting the error 'a member with the key " " was found in the fact table but was not found in the level of the " " dimension'

    I tried to resolve this by doing an incremental update - which blew out all the figures. So I've started with a new cube, created new shared dimensions and processed with molap. The cube will process initially, but overnight it will start with the same error as above. I've started doing a full process, incrementally updating the shared dimensions, but I'm convinced I shouldn't need to do this and I must have missed out something when initially creating the cube. After all, the cubes created by my predecessor never had the 'member with the key' error. Have I missed something? I can't work out what storage mode he used. Would HOLAP or ROLAP be a better option than MOLAP. Even if you can point me to a knowledge base article that would help.

  • Hey kate,

    normally you hit that error when you're trying to process the partition(s) without having processed your dimensions first. Are your DTS packages set up to process the dims and then the cubes?


  • Hi Steve,

    No the dts doesn't process the dimensions first. To be honest, I don't know how to set that but it wasn't set for the old cubes either. I'm definitely doing something wrong, but I just don't know what. Analysis services is definitely something you can't quickly pick up!

    on edit - one thing I did manage to find out is that all the cubes were using MOLAP so I was on the wrong track there.

  • I've looked at the package logs and you're right (of course, not that I doubted it) they were being incrementally updated in the dts. So ignore my last post. I bet us newbies are quite trying at times!

  • Hi Steve,

    Just wanted to say thanks for pushing me in the right direction - that worked. It's a huge weight off my mind, so it's much appreciated. If anyone else is having problems, like me, with dts packages for cubes, there is a good article here http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/10894_3503201_1

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