DTS Packages on 64 Bit

  • Greetings Earthlings,

    I have just had a new 64bit partition created on my Unisys server with datacentre 2003. We will use SQL Server 2000 64 bit edition. (long term Yukon migration plan)

    My problem is that Server 2000 64 bit edition does NOT support 64bit DTS and my 32bit sql servers are running at almost 100%.

     Does anyone know of a way to overcome this limitation. ie Running DTS on 64bit.

    I do not allow sysadmin to be used in applications and to limit the DTS I must allow the application to fire a SP from a job. What is the best way to do this?

    Any comments will be appreciated.





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  • We were hit with the same rude surprise when we migrated.  Short version - keep DTS on 32-bit.  It might run, but you are on your own if you do - untried, unsupported, etc.

    We kept our old 32-bit boxes as the DTS clients, then quickly made some of our packages dynamic so logging and connections happened corretly.  It caused a lot of scrambling and grumbling, but we are the poster child for dramatic performance improvements on 64-bit.  Pay the piper.

    Email me if you want to discuss our experiences more.




  • Thanks for the reply Larry.

    At least I am not the only one with this disparate architecture. I might give you a mail when the 64bit partition becomes available.

    Anyway, from your reply I made the call that DTS must be limited to the absolute minimum.

    But this project has 40 different data sources, mostly Oracle, so it will not be easy. Im beginning to feel that it was a bad move to go the 64 bit route.



  • Andy,

    I feel compelled to reply.  64-bit was our salvation for our OLAP performance problems.  The pain we felt during the week it took to convert our 40+ packages to a DTS-DB (client/server) model was far outweighed by the benefits.

    I understand your situation may be different, but why are you going to 64-bit?  If it is not for performance, why do it?  For us, we could not process our (self-inflicted) complex cubes in a reasonable amount if time.  I am talking about 14 hours to do 3 complex cubes, even utilizing the Parallel Proccing Utility.  Under 64-bit, the same cubes with no changes take less than 2 hours TOTAL.  Our support staff is no longer walking around like the living dead due to overnight implementations. 

    We found OLAP services was hitting memory limits in 32-bit.  It didn't do me any good to put more memory in the box because it wouldn't use it.  We actually went from 8 32-bit processors to 4 64-bit.



  • The reason for Going 64bit was simple. My 32bit machines are not coping anymore. And I am preparing my hardware to make the most of Yukon when it ships.



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