DTS Package won''t run when scheduled?

  • Ok This is really annoying.. I have a dts package that writes to an excel file and mails to a set of recipients when I run the package it executes just fine. However, when I schedule a run it fails. Initially I assumed that the file cannot be accessed, so I created the file on the server itself. Can anyone tell me what is missing I would greatly appreciate it..

     The error is as follows:

    The job failed.  The Job was invoked by Schedule 64 (JobName).  The last step to run was step 1 (JobName).


  • It is probably a permissions issue.

    In the sql server agent, who is the job set to run as?

    if its sa, then you'll have issues because sa does not have rights to create a file.


  • It's not a permission issue because I am running this under admin account

  • >>It's not a permission issue because I am running this under admin account

    You missed the point of the 1st response.

    You state "*I* am running this under admin account". *You* and *your* permission set are irrelevant, when it's being run by SQL Agent.

  • Kindly improvise on suggestion that will resolve the issue. I prefer simplicity.. Thanks..

  • Open the DTS Package.

    Right-click and select 'Package Properties'

    Click on the 'Logging' tab.

    In the 'Error Handling' section, enter a log filename for capturing the package errors.

    Now schedule it again and provide us some meaningful error log data that gives us a bit more to work from than 'The job failed".


  • That was much better Here is what I found under the package logs..


    Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

    Step Error Description:Logon failed: MapiLogonEx Failed due to MAPI error 273: MAPI Logon failed.

    Step Error code: 80040480

    Step Error Help File:sqldts80.hlp

    Step Error Help Context ID:9100

  • When you run the package manually, it runs as the account you logged on as but when you schedule it, it runs as the account that sql server agent is configured to run as. Looks like these have different sets of permissions(specially to connect to mail server) in your case.


  • Hi,

    U say that when u run the DTS manually it runs fine and when u schedule it it gives error.

    If u loged in sql server with ur admin account mapped with windows authenticatrion and u have enough permission then it will not show any error but as far as the error is conserned with mail profile it will not even run when u execute the DTS manually. it will show u the same error as in the error log.


    Just drop ur mail profile and recreate the mail profile again.



  • It is a MAPI error not a file access error.

    Just create a MAPI profile for the SQL Server Agent Account. To do that, open a Windows session using the Account used by the SQL Agent Service and create a MAPI account, mailbox, etc.


    PS. After you finish, it is recommended that you take this account out of the list of users able to start an interactive session (local policy)

    Kindest Regards,

    Habib Zmerli (MVP)

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