DTS Newbi

  • HI guys,

    I am newcomer to dts, especially the ActiveX scripting side of things. As I understand it is straight vbscript. Can anyone point me in the direction of some books to learn this from?

  • I have found http://www.sqldts.com/ to be pretty helpful.  There are some nice tutorials and good articles on this site... check it out.

  • The following books have been helpful for me:

    VBScript Programmer's Reference by Clark, Donatis, et al (Wrox Press)

    SQL Server 2000 DTS by Chafin, Knight, & Robinson (Wrox Press)

    VBScript Pocket Reference Guide by Childs, Lomax, & Pretrusha (O'Reilly)

    Windows 2000: Windows 2000 Script Host by Tim Hill (New Riders)

    Windows NT: Shell Scripting by Tim Hill (MacMillan)

    Good luck!


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