DTS Lookup

  • Hello,

    I've got a simple DTS package that reads an AS/400 and writes to SQL Server 2000. I need to add a WHERE clause (or something) to limit some data with a date stored on the SQL Server. I've found many DTS lookup examples that affect all rows, but none with a simple WHERE clause. Here's my query:

    SELECT Data

    from AS_400

    WHERE Date = Data_from_SQL_Server

    In the transformation I can add a lookup that returns the correct value. I can't figure out how to do the '?' substitution in the source query and tie it to the lookup.

    SELECT Data

    from AS_400

    WHERE Date = ?

    Any pointers would be appreciated.




  • Hello,

    You say the date is stored on the SQL Server. Is this the system date on the server? Or is the filter date stored within a table?

    Either way, you can do this. If you wanted today's data only you could use GETDATE() to return the date. However, with the JDE system we run on an AS400 the dates are stored in Julian Date format, so you need a small script for the conversion.

    If the Date is stored within a table, then you would need a subquery. For Example.

    SELECT Data

    FROM AS_400

    WHERE Date = (SELECT FilterDate FROM FltDateTable)

    This assumes you have a table with one column.

    If these scenario's are not what you have in mind, pls reply with how/where the date is stored :o)

    Clive Strong


  • Thanks, here's some more info:

    The date is stored in a table on the SQL Server. That's the difficulty (I think). My data source is the AS/400. The select statement has to use two data sources - AS/400 for the data and SQL Server for the date. That's why I thought a lookup was appropriate.



  • OK...One idea I have is this..

    If you know the format of the AS400 tables, you can create an ActiveX script which connects to the AS400 and also your SQL Server and downloads the data that way. We do this a fair bit.

    You can call a function to return the filter date from your SQL Server table and when you query the AS400, use the variable in the WHERE clause. This can be done quite simply using VBScript.

    However, there are probably other solutions (that I can't think of right now!)

    Clive Strong


  • That sounds like a good idea. I'm a little weak in VBScript, though. Can you give an example?




  • That sounds like a good idea. I'm a little weak in VBScript, though. Can you give an example?




  • Sure.

    Create a DTS and drag an ActiveX object onto the DTS pane. Open it up and you could create something like this. It's pretty basic and has no error trapping or anything.

    Hope it helps!

    'Global *Script* variables

    Dim JDEConn

    Dim SQLConn

    Fim FilterDate

    Function Main()

    'Create and Open JDE Connection

    Set JDEConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    JDEConn.Provider = "msdasql"

    JDEConn.open "uid=JDELogin;pwd=JDEPwd;initial catalog=CatalogName.F42119LA;dsn=jdetest"

    'Create and Open SQL Connection

    Set SQLConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    SQLConn.open "uid=;pwd=;Trusted_Connection=Yes;driver={SQL Server};server=MySQLServer;database=TestDB;dsn="

    'Call Functions



    'Kill Connection Objects

    Set SQLConn = Nothing

    Set JDEConn = Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Function GetFilterDate()

    Dim SQLRS

    'Create SQL Recordset Object

    Set SQLRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    'Query SQL to get the filter date for your AS400 query

    SQLRS.open "SELECT QryFilterDate FROM FilterDateTable", SQLConn

    'Store Filter date in variable

    FilterDate = SQLRS("QryFilterDate")

    GetFilterDate = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Function ImpRecords()

    Dim JDERS

    'Create Recordset Object for AS400 Connection

    Set JDERS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    'Query the table on the AS400

    JDERS.open "SELECT SDLITM, SDADDJ, SDUORG FROM CatalogName.F42119LA WHERE SDADDJ = " & FilterDate, JDEConn



    'Put the resultset into variables

    DTSGlobalVariables("SDLITM").Value = JDERS("SDLITM")

    DTSGlobalVariables("SDADDJ").Value = JDERS("SDADDJ")

    DTSGlobalVariables("SDUORG").Value = JDERS("SDUORG")

    'Execute INSERT query to pass variables into SQL Table

    SQLConn.Execute "INSERT INTO MyDownloadTable VALUES (DTSGlobalVariables("SDLITM").Value, DTSGlobalVariables("SDADDJ").Value, DTSGlobalVariables("SDUORG").Value)



    Set JDERS = Nothing

    ImpRecords = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Clive Strong


  • Thanks Clive. I'll toy with this code for a while.




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