DTS Fixed Length file. Limit on number of columns?

  • Hi All,

    we are running SQL Server 2000 SP3.

    I am trying to create a simple DTS package that would import fixed length ASCII file (no delimiter) into a table.

    The file contains 150 columns, and the mapping works fine for 107 columns, but as soon as I add 108th mapping and click ok - it looses it.

    Looses mapping means that if I reopen the text source and click on Properties all of my mapped work is gone. 

    Did anyone see that problem and workarounds?

    Thank you,


  • no, but I'd break it up into several dts packages, and call them from a job.

  • Thank you for recommendation, unfortunately, I don't see an easy way to break it up.

    The job is to import one fixed length ASCII file into a single table in SQL Server.

    The file record consists of 150 columns and the database table contains 150 columns that correspond to each other.

    The problem is that DTS allows me to map only 107 columns. If I go over 107 it looses the mapping as soon as I click Ok. So, I will have start the mapping all over and it is pain for fixed length files.


  • I have had problems in the past importing fixed length records when the last column was empty on some records.  My solution was to import the entire record as a single column into an intermediate table.  Then I used SUBSTRING to build the final table.  Maybe this solution would work for you.  Good Luck.

  • You can also use Excel and ActiveX to open the file.

  • check out http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=44073

    , and nr's posts are good resource.

    i'm copying one link from nr's post here just in case,


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