DTS error -Orcale Client & networking components not found

  • I am running the dts job on the server itself using SQLEM. I have installed Oracle8.1.6 client with OLEDB, ODBC, configured tnsnames.ora. I can manually run the package, also can run it using the dtsrun utility. I've tested ODBC too, and can connect to the database. Is there a patch that i need to install?

  • Can you check Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 264012 :

    PRB: Connectivity Issue with MDAC and Oracle8i

    You might have to add some reg-keys, mentioned in the article.



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  • Alzdba is probably right about you needing to either reboot or at least restart the SQL Services for everything to work completely.  I know that I've had to do this in the past, at least sometimes.  Have you rebooted yet?



    In honor of this topic, and its ecumenical spirit, I am including one of my cross-platform signatures here.  It's rare to be in a topic where the Microsoft people won't flame you for mentioning Oracle, or the Oracle people won't flame you for mentioning SQL Server.       

    Chris LeonardThe Database Guy
    Brainbench MVP for Oracle Admin



  • It worked! The reboot fixed it. Thanks all for your help!

  • Sorry for such a basic suggestion, but did you restart SQL Server and SQL Server Agent?  I know we suggested that earlier, but sometimes it matters.  The fact that you can run the package in SQL Server would seem to indicate that the Agent should be able to see the software also (since the Agent has to start *after* the Server), but who knows?

    Another thing to look at is whether the SQL Server Agent and the SQL Server service accounts are the same.  If not, the Oracle software may be set up for one user's environment and not the other.

    You might have already addressed these in prior posts - sorry if you did - but I don't feel like reading everything today (I've got a fever of 101 F - bleah - :sick.

    Hope you get this resolved soon!


  • Whoops!  Sorry for that last post - I read the last post on the first page and responded to that.  Told you I'm not quite all here today!  I noticed that my post wasn't showing up ... hey, wait, because this isn't the last page!

    Dum, duh-duh, dum.

    Glad your were able to resolve this.  Do you know how to resolve nausea, body cramps, and a fever?  Then we'll all be good. 

    By the way, why don't you correct the spelling of "Orcale" in the subject - it might help people find it more easily when the do searches (although the word "Oracle" is splayed enough throughout the thread that it shouldn't matter!).  You certainly won't be the last person to encounter this issue.


  • Hi Chris! How do I correct the spelling in the subject? Can I still do that?

  • Wel ... maybe you can't. 

    I had thought that if the originator of a thread went back and edited the first post, then they would be able to change the subject line.  But I tried this on a thread I had started, and didn't see how to do it.  Maybe somebody else knows how, but it looks like I was just mistaken about that.



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