DTS Drops First Record

  • I am using DTS to import from a text file into a SQL Server database. In the connection properties, I have set the "Skip Rows" property to "1".

    I use a Transform Data Task to connect the source to the destination. In the TDT, I have specified rows 1 to 1000 for pickup.

    For whatever reason, the first row of the rows I want (meaning, the second line of the text file) is omitted from every transfer. In some cases, the data in this row is identical to the data in subsequent rows, so it's not a question of data conformity.

    I have tried specifying rows 0 to 1000 in the TDT, and I've also tried put nothing in the "Skip Rows" property of the source file. Neither solves the problem.

    I know I can get around this with Bulk Insert, but I'd prefer to not rewrite this program- and it seems there must be a way to do this without Bulk Insert. Any help would be appreciated.

  • How is this file delimited, if quotes does the first line have a extra quote you do not expect. Or maybe if tab then a tab if off. I have seen these be the case before and I always suggest to check.

  • It's delimited CR, LF, with fixed-field columns. Everything looks okay in that regard. Any other ideas?

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