DTS Access Table to SQL Server

  • Hi

    I am in a process of transferring the Access data to SQL server. The thing is I have to do this for about 20 locations. My idea is to create migration tool in VB and send the same to the locations, so that they can upsize the Access to SQL server. Since the table structure is same at all locations, Server name and Access db name (as well as path) may be differnt, I thought of going this way.

    As a first step, I created a DTS Package to Transfer the Customer Table to SQL Server through DTS Wizard. I had saved it as VB file (Customer.bas).

    Now I tried using this Customer.bas file to transfer the data from VB. The package is executed, but there is no table created and the data is transferred. But if i execute the Customer.bas directly (without changeing the parameters) it is executing. Only when i include the parameters and other details, it is not executing.

    Can anyone help me please.

  • Sorry, this is a bit confusing. What "parameters and other details" are you changing and how are you executing the customer.bas file?


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Hi Phill

    Sorry. The "parameters and other details" i mention is the Access Db path and the SQL Server DB name. Since I will deploy this tool in various locations, i am not sure of the Access DB path and the SQL server name and DB name. So, I'll get this information from a configuration file and pass them as a parameter.

    I will include this Customer.bas file in a vb project and execute it.

    Actually i solved the issue. I just replaced the SQL server name with the machine IP where the SQL Server is installed. Its working fine.

    Thanks to all who tried.

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