Dropping indexes with low read to write ratio?

  • SkyBox (4/17/2012)

    I attached a file that show the indexes from a table and all the fields in each index. Without spending much time, do you see any obvious indexes that overlap?

    This output file is from sys.stats and ...

    sys.stats doesn't show indexes, it shows statistics and is not what you want to look at when trying to ID duplicate indexes.

    Try this script:

    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS TableName, i.name AS IndexName, type_desc, is_primary_key, is_unique, LEFT(keycolumns,LEN(keycolumns)-1) AS KeyColumns, LEFT(includecolumns,LEN(includecolumns)-1) AS IncludeColumns

    FROM sys.indexes AS i



    name + ', ' AS [text()]


    sys.index_columns AS ic INNER JOIN sys.columns AS c ON ic.object_id = c.object_id AND ic.column_id = c.column_id


    i.object_id = ic.object_id AND i.index_id = ic.index_id

    AND ic.is_included_column = 0



    FOR XML PATH('')

    ) keycolumnlist(keycolumns)



    name + ', ' AS [text()]


    sys.index_columns AS ic INNER JOIN sys.columns AS c ON ic.object_id = c.object_id AND ic.column_id = c.column_id


    i.object_id = ic.object_id AND i.index_id = ic.index_id

    AND ic.is_included_column = 1



    FOR XML PATH('')

    ) includecolumnlist (includecolumns)

    WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(i.object_id, 'IsUserTable') = 1 AND i.index_id>0

    ORDER BY TableName, IndexName

    Also, for some thoughts on removing indexes:


    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks for all the advice.

    That query is exactly what I needed! I re-attached the sheet with the columns (ordered) for each index (not stat), also listing included columns.

    Without understanding my data structure or usage, doubt you can identify overlapping or any indexes that could be merged, but thanks for all the good info!

  • SQLKnowItAll (4/17/2012)

    I've dropped some indexes that have 0 reads (or very few) and a high number of writes.

    If I did that, I'd be fired. If you don't know why the index is there, find out before you drop it. Repeating Lynn, we have several reports that are run once a year. Without those indexes, it may take just that long to run 🙂

    There may also be some indexes that are NEVER hit directly. These indexes sometimes work out to be UNIQUE indexes that support constraints that sometimes make the optimizer not work so hard at finding a good solution.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Jeff Moden (4/17/2012)

    SQLKnowItAll (4/17/2012)

    I've dropped some indexes that have 0 reads (or very few) and a high number of writes.

    If I did that, I'd be fired. If you don't know why the index is there, find out before you drop it. Repeating Lynn, we have several reports that are run once a year. Without those indexes, it may take just that long to run 🙂

    There may also be some indexes that are NEVER hit directly. These indexes sometimes work out to be UNIQUE indexes that support constraints that sometimes make the optimizer not work so hard at finding a good solution.

    +1 I learn something new every day... 😉

    CE - Microsoft

  • I've attached another file of indexes on a table that could use some consolidation.

    I see a couple that are obvious, but would appreciate any feedback. Just a quick look if you have time.

    ie: On lines 11 and 12, can I safely drop 11 and keep 12?

    This is a sales line shipments table that is 73gb's and 55gb's of that are indexes. The db is 450bg's


  • SkyBox (4/18/2012)

    I've attached another file of indexes on a table that could use some consolidation.

    I see a couple that are obvious, but would appreciate any feedback. Just a quick look if you have time.

    ie: On lines 11 and 12, can I safely drop 11 and keep 12?

    This is a sales line shipments table that is 73gb's and 55gb's of that are indexes. The db is 450bg's


    You do know that you really should be doing this wwith your developers, right? We don't know your systems so any feedback we give you should be taken with several tons of salt.

  • Lynn Pettis (4/18/2012)

    SkyBox (4/18/2012)

    I've attached another file of indexes on a table that could use some consolidation.

    I see a couple that are obvious, but would appreciate any feedback. Just a quick look if you have time.

    ie: On lines 11 and 12, can I safely drop 11 and keep 12?

    This is a sales line shipments table that is 73gb's and 55gb's of that are indexes. The db is 450bg's


    You do know that you really should be doing this wwith your developers, right? We don't know your systems so any feedback we give you should be taken with several tons of salt.

    Yes. There's TONS of DTA indexes that were carelessly created by one person over a period of 5 years and I doubt he has a clue which ones he needs or is using. I'll still run it by him and save create index scripts. I'm here for advice because I want to do things the "right" way.

    I just want an idea of your general thought processes, so I can apply it for my situation.

  • These 4 can be replaced with one index




    _dta_index_line_item_disposition_6_1662628966__K1_K15_5379NONCLUSTERED00order_number, date_shippedNULL

    Single index on OrderNumber, DateShipped include UpdateDTM

    These 4 can be replaced with one index

    _dta_index_line_item_disposition_5_1662628966__K1_K2NONCLUSTERED00order_number, line_numberNULL

    _dta_index_line_item_disposition_5_1662628966__K1_K2_18NONCLUSTERED00order_number, line_numberquantity_shipped

    PK_line_item_disposition__order_number__line_number__backorder_numberCLUSTERED11order_number, line_number, backorder_numberNULL

    _dta_index_line_item_disposition_5_1662628966__K1_K2_K8_18NONCLUSTERED00order_number, line_number, backorder_numberquantity_shipped

    Single index on order_number, line_number, backorder_number include quantity_shipped

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (4/18/2012)

    These 4 can be replaced with one index




    _dta_index_line_item_disposition_6_1662628966__K1_K15_5379NONCLUSTERED00order_number, date_shippedNULL

    Single index on OrderNumber, DateShipped include UpdateDTM

    These 4 can be replaced with one index

    _dta_index_line_item_disposition_5_1662628966__K1_K2NONCLUSTERED00order_number, line_numberNULL

    _dta_index_line_item_disposition_5_1662628966__K1_K2_18NONCLUSTERED00order_number, line_numberquantity_shipped

    PK_line_item_disposition__order_number__line_number__backorder_numberCLUSTERED11order_number, line_number, backorder_numberNULL

    _dta_index_line_item_disposition_5_1662628966__K1_K2_K8_18NONCLUSTERED00order_number, line_number, backorder_numberquantity_shipped

    Single index on order_number, line_number, backorder_number include quantity_shipped

    VERY helpful!

    So basically, if you can create or keep an index that can cover serveral others, then queries can use the larger index with more coverage just as efficiently?

    If so, then what's a general max number of columns to safely set on a NC index when considering index consolidation? 3-4?

    One of our systems (AX 2009) doesn't allow "included columns" on indexes, so with that in mind, I want be sure that those indexes aren't covering too many columns.

  • SkyBox (4/19/2012)

    So basically, if you can create or keep an index that can cover serveral others, then queries can use the larger index with more coverage just as efficiently?

    It won't be as efficient, but the chances of it being noticable is very slim

    If so, then what's a general max number of columns to safely set on a NC index when considering index consolidation? 3-4?

    No way to answer that question. Depends on column widths, table size, query types, etc, etc

    One of our systems (AX 2009) doesn't allow "included columns" on indexes, so with that in mind, I want be sure that those indexes aren't covering too many columns.

    SQL 2000?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • SkyBox (4/19/2012)

    VERY helpful!

    So basically, if you can create or keep an index that can cover serveral others, then queries can use the larger index with more coverage just as efficiently?

    If so, then what's a general max number of columns to safely set on a NC index when considering index consolidation? 3-4?

    One of our systems (AX 2009) doesn't allow "included columns" on indexes, so with that in mind, I want be sure that those indexes aren't covering too many columns.

    I'll chime in a bit but realize that Gail can run me over with her knowledge and I'd never see it coming. 🙂

    Regarding disallowing included columns, the clustered index is one big inclusion list by its very nature. Now, I realize that you're speaking of non-clustered indexes, but can I inquire as to the thought process behind not allowing included columns?

    For safely setting NonClustered indexes, it's not just column count that needs to be considered. Column width, existing clustered index columns (which are 'included' in every non-clustered index), rate of update/change, and a number of other things can come into play. Also, the column order, as you've found.

    Add to that the explicitness of your where clauses that approach the data and a number of other factors, and anything from "never more than 2" to "Shove the entire table into a second index" can be a viable guideline, depending on the environment.

    What you'll need to do is go through a large volume of your queries for rough review, and figure out how often you're doing equivalency checks (IE: colA = @b-2). Ranges mess with how deep into an index tree you can go... and unfortunately I can't find the article(s) that described how the index tree stops driving during the seek, returns the range, and then performs a second filter in the execution plans. If I trip on it again I'll update.

    In general, though, # of equivalencies + 1 for your general rule, but always leave room for exceptions. Each table will most likely have a different 'rule'.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Evil Kraig F (4/19/2012)

    Add to that the explicitness of your where clauses that approach the data and a number of other factors, and anything from "never more than 2" to "Shove the entire table into a second index" can be a viable guideline, depending on the environment.

    I've done that once. Had a table with clustered index and 2 nonclustered indexes. Both nonclustered indexes had as their include columns every single other column in the table. It really was necessary in that one specific case

    and unfortunately I can't find the article(s) that described how the index tree stops driving during the seek, returns the range, and then performs a second filter in the execution plans. If I trip on it again I'll update.



    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (4/19/2012)

    Ah hah! There it is. I got my keywords all confuzzled. :crying: Thanks Gail (both for the blog post AND linking it for me. :w00t: )

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • To add a bit that people often forget is the uniqueness of the column(s) indexed. If the data is skewed the index may not be very helpful unless filtered. Do I know how to tell if it needs this offhand? No... Sorry. However, I do know that it is a consideration that should be looked at.

    CE - Microsoft

  • SQLKnowItAll (4/19/2012)

    To add a bit that people often forget is the uniqueness of the column(s) indexed. If the data is skewed the index may not be very helpful unless filtered.

    That's not necessarily true. Depends very much on the specifics, the query, the full index definition, etc.

    At a client a few years ago, over half of the indexes they had (ones that I'd created) had a bit column as the leading column of the index key.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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