Drill Thru using Excel XP againt Analysis Services

  • Although Analysis Services provides drill thru capabilities that are used with other BI Vendors (Cognos, etc), I'm findind that the Excel Pivot Table control does not. This is a big issue for us right now. Is there any way to do this, programatically or other.

    Ardley Tschetter

    Ardley Tschetter

  • OWC XP is pretty damn good for a free add on to office, but it only has a very minimal set of what a proper BI client tool can do, and there are a lot out there. All the big players have their own tools, plus there are some client tools that can connect to different OLAP sources (such as Oracle Express and MSOLAP)

    Programatically you can execute an MDX statment that only returns one cell (with a drillthrough flag) against an ADODB.Connection and get back an ADOMD.CellSet object that flattens nicely into a recordset.

    Keith Henry

    Keith Henry

    According to everyone I know I "do something with computers?" for a living, so there you go.

  • We have developed a COM+ dll that provides true PivotTable drillthrough (not dependent on MDX drillthrough select) to relational data comprising cell aggregate. The dll was designed for use with OWC PivotTable, but could be adapted for use from Excel.

    Contact me if interested marklarter@hotmail.com

    Mark Larter

    eStructors Inc.

    Mark Larter
    Freeheel Group LLC

  • Hi Ardley,

    You could also take a look at

    http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=BEB5D477-2100-4586-A13C-50E56F101720&displaylang=en (watch out for line breaks). The toolpak contains a sample for drill through from OWC.




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