Doubt in SSIS

  • Hi to all,

    Basically i created a package to read from a source folder n xls, and import them to Sql Server... the rows that are ignored in the importation, i created a dynamic excel to send them... What i would love to know, is how can i configure for example the "source folder" without entering in the package, something like a webconfig 🙂 ... because in the project i configure that on my Fooreach Loop Container... but i would like to find a way to configure that without enter in the project and alter all that information every time i change the source folder...


  • Hi again,

    Sorry to bother again, but does anyone can help me?


  • Do some research on SSIS package configurations. It's exactly what you need.

  • Thanks,

    Is exactly what i was looking for.. thanks for u time, i will see the link u send..

  • Hi again,

    Is it possible to make my package configurations in xml?

    Does anybody already made this?


  • Yes you can. It's the first option in the configuration type drop-down box when you create a new package configuration.

  • Hi again,

    Im becaming little crazy with this :)... for start, can i configure the parameters of Foreach Loop Container in the package Configuration?

    Example in the tab collection. in the Enumerator Configuration Section, i have the folder: and the files:... can i do that in the Configuration Package?

    Sorry to bother but i m little stuck in here...

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