Does it help?

  • ThinkPad 15" 4:3 + 23" 16:9 works, but would prefer two letterbox widescreens.  23" HP 2335 is a sharp panel - much coveted by many in the office - but lacks USB ports that the Dell units have, but it's no biggie.

    Productivity with the 23 incher is much improved, especially when you can side-by-side 2 IE windows without resizing to get the full page width on each.  2 x 23 + the ThinkPad may be overkill, but it's hard to imagine having too much real estate, especially when using Management Studio, Business Intelligence Studio and VS2003 at the same time.

    Multiple monitors clearly delivers greater productivity and the larger the 'tube' the less eyestrain and that's even more important.

  • HUGE difference using two monitors. I have two workstations in my office. One with a 21" LCD, and the other with two 19" LCD monitors. The workstation with the 21" primarily gets used for email, web searches and for doing my web app development (ColdFusion).

    The "good"workstation with two 19" is where I perform my limited DBA duties, SQL development, minimal Java development, and *incredibly deep sigh* maintain a few old Visual FoxPro applications. And yes, I am in process of migrating these applications to use SQL Server combined with intranet and (eventually) Java tools.

    There is no doubt that having two, and I do dream of more, monitors on one work station is much better. I have worked with large single monitors in the past, but, and maybe this sounds strange, I like the focused energy on splitting the work between the two monitors. At some point, I will move the rest of my development tools to the "good" workstation, leaving the other to handle only tedious tasks, such as email.

  • I'll add my vote for two monitors. All my developers have two, as do I. I noticed an immediate productivity benefit to it.

    So long, and thanks for all the fish,

    Russell Shilling, MCDBA, MCSA 2K3, MCSE 2K3

  • Have you tried four monitors?  One for email and RDP, one for web browsing/BOL, another for Visual Studio and BI Studio, and the fourth for Management Studio and MMCs.  I could never go back to two monitors now!

    I do remember about ten years ago we had a 26" CRT for the mainframe that was split into four screens with a special keyboard with four keys for switching between screens.  This worked great for the mainframe operators since they usually needed four sessions open at once - TSO, IMS, ISPF, and JES. IBM had it figured out, but at $12,000 each I have to wonder about the actual ROI.  I guess they missed the boat again by not realizing the value of the software.  With software like that a single 42" would be perfect.

  • 2 monitors is a must!!! I just recently left a company where every person in IT had at least 2 monitors. Now I'm at a place where everybody only has 1. First request at my first one-on-one with my manager?  Second monitor for EVERYBODY!!  It's amazing how much more productive you can be.

  • I frequently have several applications windows open and 2 monitors is awesome for developing.

    I'm begininning to think a 3rd would be even better for those periodic helpdesk calls where you need to bounce into something else.  or as a memo/correspondence pad.

    -- Optimist with experience and still learning

  • I use two 19" LCD wide screens and have been pretty happy with that setup. Im not sure I'd find a 3rd to be as big as gain as the 2nd, but I'll have to experiment sometime and see!

  • I don't understand why any company would not buy a second display for anyone doing development work (I'm typing this from a single display setup at this time but hoping that will change).

    Assumptions: you can buy a 20" LCD for under $600 (not to hard to do), average developer is going to make $60k or more when benefits are included, and you will get at least a 1% increase in productivity.

    So if a company was to add a $600 LCD to whatever single display system they are already buying their developers the cost would be offset in one year based on the 1% increase of productivity of a $60k total compensation package.  The rest of the time that display is used would added benefit to the company.  I think those figures are very pessimistic.

    None of this takes into account the increase in morale because you know must of us are geeks at heart

  • For Development, 2 smaller monitors anytime...a laptop and add-on flat screen. Add a docking station and a wireless network and you've got an ideal system. Add WWAN support and now you're money.

    Signature is NULL

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