Do the management like certificaton to any extent

  • I think the value of certification is a matter of (management's) opinion. Some may respect it. Some may slight as being next to worthless which I can understand.

    However, if you are currently employed, have you seen any cases where you earning a certification has helped you to look better in the eyes of the management? If yes, that might be more incentive for going for certification in a shaky economy as it increases the chance of your retention in the company.

    I also would like to know if anyone has seen any case where an employee received a raise for getting certified.

  • this is gonna sound somewhat contrarian, but oh well...

    Certifications are so-so. Experience trumps certifications almost every time. I know an MVP here in town that has zero certifications, but has written books on Oracle and SQL Server, and at least a chapter in Deep Dives....

    I would take a guy with experience over a guy with certs almost any day. Well, a certification would definitely not be my primary differentiator. If you've been working with SQL Server for about a year, the certification exams should be easy.

  • pietlinden (8/14/2011)

    If you've been working with SQL Server for about a year, the certification exams should be easy.

    That is an underestimation of the knowledge and skills needed to pass any certification exams.

    Oftentimes on a job interview, interviewers do slight the meaning and value of certifications to screen out the who they like and who they don't like.

    Overall, the value of the certifications is based on opinions.

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